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Found 17049 papers in total
Ismorphic routing on a toroidal mesh
We study a routing problem that arises on SIMD parallel architectures whose...
Multicommodity flows in ring networks
In this paper, we consider the problem of multicommodity flows in a ring network....
An improved algorithm for approximating the performance of stochastic flow networks
A problem encountered in the analysis of communication and other distribution systems...
Access path optimization in relational joins
The objective of access path optimization in relational joins is to minimize the...
Scheduling periodic tasks with slack
We consider the problem of nonpreemptively scheduling periodic tasks on a minimum...
Disjoint paths in the plane
Given n pairs of points in the Euclidean plane, we address the problem of finding...
Optimal resource assignment of preemptive periodic tasks on multiple processors
In this article we examine the problem of preemptively scheduling periodically...
Application of an annealed neural network to a timetabling problem
In this paper, we use an annealed neural network to solve a timetabling problem with...
New benchmark results for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem
This paper reports on new insights derived from computational results obtained with an...
A self-organizing approach to managerial nonlinear discriminant analysis: A hybrid method of linear discriminant analysis and neural networks
Due to their adaptive nature neural network models are used widely in classification...
Guided local search with shifting bottleneck for job shop scheduling
Many recently developed local search procedures for job shop scheduling use...
An exact algorithm for the batch sequencing problem in a two-machine flow shop with limited buffer
This paper deals with the problem of makespan minimization in a flow shop with two...
A Mandarin speech dictation system based on neural-network language processing model
In this paper, a user friendly Mandarin speech dictation system based on neural...
Minimizing total completion time in two-processor task systems with prespecified processor allocations
We consider the problem of scheduling multiprocessor tasks with prespecified processor...
Minimizing weighted mean absolute deviation of flow times in single machine systems
We discuss the problem of scheduling several jobs on a single machine with the...
A new appointment rule for a single-server, multiple-customer service system
This paper proposes a new appointment rule for the single-server, multiple-customer...
On the Laguerre method for numerically inverting Laplace transforms
The Laguerre method for numerically inverting Laplace transforms is an old established...
On the Inspection Game
The Inspection Game is a multistage game between a customs inspector and a smuggler,...
A stochastic model for performance evaluation of main memory resident database systems
With the rapid evolution in the computer industry where memory chips of increasing...
Locating a target from directional data
Statistical estimation plays an important role in locating a target in space, a task...
Parallel search algorithms for discrete optimization problems
Discrete optimization problems (DOPs) arise in various applications such as planning,...
Toward a taxonomy of parallel tabu search heuristics
In this paper we present a classification of parallel tabu search metaheuristics...
Making a case for robust optimization models
Robust optimization searches for recommendations that are relatively immune to...
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