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Found 17049 papers in total
Performance issues for the iterative solution of Markov decision processes on parallel computers
This paper analyses the implementation of an iterative solution method for Markov...
A parallel implementation of the Grassman–Taksar–Heyman algorithm
The Grassman–Taksar–Heyman algorithm is a direct algorithm for computing...
A finite capacity queue with nonrenewal input and exponential dynamic group services
In this article we consider a finite capacity queuing model in which jobs (or...
Distributed state space generation of discrete-state stochastic models
High-level formalisms such as stochastic Petri nets can be used to model complex...
Advances in solving the multicommodity-flow problem
The multicommodity-flow problem arises in a wide variety of important applications....
A cutting plane algorithm for multicommodity survivable network design problems
We present a cutting plane algorithm for solving the following telecommunications...
A virtual clustering approach for routing problems in telecommunication networks
We propose an adaptable routing scheme for telecommunication networks based on the...
Solving multicommodity flow problems with a primal embedded network simplex algorithm
This article describes the authors' experience solving large multicommodity flow...
Interconnecting LANs and a FDDI backbone using transparent bridges: A model and solution algorithms
In this article, we construct a mathematical model to design the topology of a network...
A dual ascent procedure with valid inequalities for designing hierarchical network topologies
Topological design of communication networks has been well examined in the literature....
Probabilistic scaling for the numerical inversion of nonprobability transforms
It is known that probability density functions and probability mass functions usually...
Primal–dual and primal interior point algorithms for general nonlinear programs
An interior point algorithm for general nonlinear programs is presented. Inequality...
Genetic algorithms for the operations researcher
Genetic algorithms have become increasingly popular as a means of solving hard...
Placing text labels on maps and diagrams using genetic algorithms with masking
Cartographic label placement is one of the most time-consuming tasks in the production...
A generalized univariate change-of-variable transformation technique
We present a generalized version of the univariate change-of-variable technique for...
A polyhedral approach to the asymmetric traveling salesman problem
Several branch-and-bound algorithms for the exact solution of the asymmetric traveling...
A depth-first dynamic programming algorithm for the Tree Knapsack Problem
The Tree Knapsack Problem (TKP) can be regarded as a 0–1 knapsack problem on a...
On the application of explanation-based learning to acquire control knowledge for branch and bound algorithms
The goal of this article is to present a methodology for the automatic acquisition of...
Finding a useful subset of constraints for analysis in an infeasible linear program
Infeasibility is often encountered during the process of intial model formulation or...
Sparse matrix ordering methods for interior point linear programming
The main cost of solving a linear programming problem using an interior point method...
A parametric optimization method for machine learning
The classification problem of constructing a plane to separate the members of two sets...
Load balancing in hypercube solution of stochastic optimization problems
In some stochastic optimization problems the error bounds computed for the expected...
Stochastic programming computation and applications
Although decisions frequently have uncertain consequences, optimal-decision models...
The stationary G/G/s queue
The distribution of the queueing delay in the stationary G/G/s queue is given with an...
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