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Found 17049 papers in total
Case-based reasoning and improved adaptive search for project scheduling
Most scheduling problems are notoriously intractable, so the majority of algorithms...
Decision bias in the newsvendor problem with a known demand distribution: Experimental evidence
In the newsvendor problem a decision maker orders inventory before a one period...
A note on asset proportions, stochastic dominance, and the 50% rule
In this note we analyze the composition of an optimal portfolio by considering the...
Shifts of reference points for framing of strategic decisions and changing risk–return associations
Previous results on nonlinear risk–return associations, predicted by prospect...
Third degree stochastic dominance and mean-risk analysis
In their recent article, Ogryczak and Ruszczyński proved that those portfolios...
Optimal dividend payout under compound Poisson income
We consider an individual who receives income, which may be either positive or...
Identification of efficient subgame-perfect Nash equilibria in a class of differential games
We present a method for the characterization of subgame-perfect Nash equilibria being...
Existence of equilibrium in generalized games with abstract convexity structure
The aim of this paper is to prove the existence of equilibrium for generalized games...
Generating Pareto solutions in a two-party setting: Constraint proposal methods
This paper presents a class of methods, called constraint proposal methods, for...
Stable earliest starting schedules for cyclic job shops: a linear system approach
We consider a cyclic job shop where an identical mixture of parts of different types,...
Telecommunication node clustering with node compatibility and network survivability requirements
We consider the node clustering problem that arises in designing a survivable...
Swarm Smarts
Using ants and other social insects as models, computer scientists and operational...
A survey of algorithms for convex multicommodity flow problems
Routing problems appear frequently when dealing with the operation of communication or...
Parallel asynchronous algorithms for the K shortest paths problem
We deal with the problem of computing in parallel the first K shortest paths from a...
Makespan minimization in the two-machine flowshop batch scheduling problem
In this paper we consider a practical scheduling problem commonly arising from batch...
Scheduling jobs and maintenance activities on parallel machines
Most machine scheduling models assume that the machines are available all of the time....
Optimal shift scheduling: A branch-and-price approach
We present a branch-and-price technique for optimal staff scheduling with multiple...
Asymptotically optimal linear time algorithms for two-stage and three-stage flexible flow shops
We consider two-stage and three-stage flexible flow shops with parallel machines in...
Scheduling for parallel dedicated machines with a single server
This paper examines scheduling problems in which the setup phase of each operation...
On the two-machine no-idle flowshop problem
In this short note we study a two-machine flowshop scheduling problem with the...
A search game with a protector
A classic problem in Search Theory is one in which a searcher allocates resources to...
Visteon's Sterling plant uses simulation-based decision support in training, operations, and planning
Visteon's Sterling plant uses a strategic decision support system (DSS) that...
Optimization of bilinear systems using a higher-order variational method
This paper derives some optimization results for bilinear systems using a higher-order...
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