Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
The effects of coefficient correlation structure in two-dimensional knapsack problems on solution procedure performance
This paper presents the results of an empirical study of the effects of coefficient...
Convergence of the simulated annealing algorithm for continuous global optimization
A class of simulated annealing algorithms for continuous global optimization is...
On the determination of subjective probability by choices
The paper explores the uniqueness properties of the subjective probabilities in two...
Quasi-Feller Markov chains
We consider the class of Markov kernels for which the weak or strong Feller property...
Preference factoring for stochastic trees
Stochastic trees are extensions of decision trees that facilitate the modeling of...
Branch-and-bound variant of an outcome-based algorithm for optimizing over the efficient set of a bicriteria linear programming problem
The paper presents a finite branch-and-bound variant of an outcome-based algorithm...
Improved approximation guarantees for packing and covering integer programs
Several important NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems can be posed as...
An integer programming problem with a linear programming solution
In this paper, we discuss an integer linear programming problem that arises in the...
Optimizing restoration capacity in the AT&T network
To ensure high network reliability, AT&T employs two basic approaches: preventing...
An asset and liability management system for Towers Perrin-Tillinghast
Towers Perrin-Tillinghast employs a stochastic asset-and-liability management system...
A discrete-time approach to arbitrage-free pricing of credit derivatives
This paper develops a framework for modelling risky debt and valuing credit...
Essentials of Stochastic Finance
An ‘alternating recognition’ model of English auctions
We present an alternative abstraction of an English (oral ascending) auction to the...
Swords into Plowshares: Nuclear weapon dismantlement, evaluation, and maintenance at Pantex
The end of the Cold War changed the missions of facilities in the US nuclear weapons...
Optimal control of drug epidemics: Prevent and treat—but not at the same time?
Drug use and related problems change substantially over time, so it seems plausible...
Local government performance through the eyes of citizens
Citizens generally do not have a good understanding of local government and...
Performance measurement: A local government response
Previous research has indicated that municipalities regularly collect performance...
The optimal choice of promotional vehicles: Front-loaded or rear-loaded incentives?
We examine the key factors that influence a firm's decision whether to use...
An air mission planning algorithm using decision analysis and mixed integer programming
This paper describes the development of an air mission planning algorithm for the...
Treatment planning for brachytherapy: An integer programming model, two computational approaches and experiments with permanent prostate implant planning
An integer linear programming model is proposed as a framework for optimizing seed...
Dynamic benchmarks for operations evaluation using soft computing methods
New dynamic benchmarks are developed as performance metrics for operational activities...
A comparative revenue analysis of hotel yield management heuristics
Yield management is the dynamic pricing, overbooking, and allocation of perishable...
OR/MS publications: Extension of the analysis of US flagship journals to the United Kingdom
Reisman and Kirschnick have analysed United States Flagship OR/MS Journals over a...
Managing capacity and flow at theme parks
The growth of service industries and their impact on the US economy have attracted...
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