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Found 17049 papers in total
A Markov chain approach to baseball
Most earlier mathematical studies of baseball required particular models for advancing...
Air network design for express shipment service
Express shipment service requires that shipments be picked up and delivered within...
Airline crew scheduling: A new formulation and decomposition algorithm
Airline crew scheduling is concerned with finding a minimum cost assignment of flight...
Flight attendant rostering for short-haul airline operations
The construction of flight attendant (cabin crew) rosters for short-haul (domestic)...
On the analysis of two new models for transporting hazardous materials
This paper considers two new decision-making problems in the context of transporting...
Heuristic techniques for single line train scheduling
Optimising a train schedule on a single line track is known to be NP-Hard with respect...
Decomposing technical efficiency with care
In a recent note, John McDonald gave an example that shows that if technical...
Dynamic workforce scheduling for British Telecommunications plc
British Telecommunications plc (BT) employs thousands of field engineers across the UK...
A method for designing detection monitoring networks in layered aquifers with non-uniform flow
An integer programming method was devised to locate detection monitoring wells in...
Processes and their frameworks
A process is a time-dependent sequence of events governed by a process framework. A...
Modeling in performance-enhancing processes
The original concept for this paper comes from my 1994 Omega Rho lecture in which I...
Case-based reasoning for repetitive combinatorial optimization problems, Part II: Numerical results
This paper presents numerical results from the application of a case-based reasoning...
A genetic tabu thresholding hybrid algorithm for the process allocation problem
In this paper we describe a hybrid heuristic approach, which combines Genetic...
Attribute conflict and preference uncertainty: Effects on judgment time and error
This research investigates preference uncertainty generated as a function of specific...
Mathematical properties of the optimal product line selection problem using choice-based conjoint analysis
Selecting and pricing product lines is an essential activity in many businesses. In...
A comparison of graphical techniques for asymmetric decision problems
We compare four graphical techniques for representation and solution of asymmetric...
Axiomatic justification for a geometric quality aggregation function
A central issue in many decision-making situations is the need to consider multiple...
Chainwise paired comparisons
The pairwise comparison technique is a building block of the Analytic Hierarchy...
A differential game theoretic model for duopolistic competition on design quality
In this paper we propose a differential game theoretic model to analyze the design...
Heuristic solution of open bin packing problems
Benchmark problems should be hard. I report on the solution of the five open benchmark...
Query optimization in distributed relational databases
The query optimizer is the DBMS (data base management system) component whose task is...
Recursive utility for stochastic trees
Stochastic trees are semi-Markov processes represented using tree diagrams. Such trees...
The Delta–Wye approximation procedure for two-terminal reliability
The Delta–Wye Approximation Procedure (DWAP) is a procedure for estimating the...
Proportional equity flow problem for terminal arcs
The proportional equity flow problem extends a class of problems referred to as equity...
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