Asymptotically optimal linear time algorithms for two-stage and three-stage flexible flow shops

Asymptotically optimal linear time algorithms for two-stage and three-stage flexible flow shops

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Article ID: iaor2001231
Country: United States
Volume: 47
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 259
End Page Number: 268
Publication Date: Apr 2000
Journal: Naval Research Logistics
Authors: ,
Keywords: flowshop

We consider two-stage and three-stage flexible flow shops with parallel machines in each stage and the minimum makespan objective. We develop linear time algorithms for these problems with absolute worst-case bounds either sharper or no worse than the currently available ones and we accomplish this with lower complexity algorithms. We also demonstrate the asymptotic optimality of a class of algorithms for multistage flexible flow shop problems (which includes the proposed algorithms) under certain probabilistic assumptions on the job processing times.


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