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Found 17049 papers in total
TransAlta redesigns its service-delivery network
TransAlta Utilities (TAU), Canada's largest publicly owned electric utility company,...
Advance-purchase discounts and price discrimination in competitive markets
When both individual and aggregate consumer demand is uncertain and firms set prices...
Finding an even simple path in a directed planar graph
In this paper we show that the following problem, the even simple path (ESP) problem...
A method for strategic asset-liability management with an application to the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York
Strategic asset-liability management is a primary concern in today's banking...
On the Newton interior-point method for nonlinear programming problems
Interior-point methods have been developed largely for nonlinear programming problems....
On the maximum scatter traveling salesperson problem
We study the problem of computing a Hamiltonian tour (cycle) or path on a set of...
A theoretical extension of the Technology Acceptance Model: Four longitudinal field studies
The present research develops and tests a theoretical extension of the Technology...
Application of infinitesimal perturbation analysis to the sensitivity analysis of the leaky-bucket filter with stationary gradual input
We investigate the sensitivity of the leaky-bucket filter, which is known as a traffic...
On the busy period of the M/G/1 retrial queue
The M/G/ 1 queue with repeated attempts is considered. A customer who finds the server...
Sequential inspection under capacity constraints
We study the inspection process in the context of multistage batch manufacturing,...
Optimal policies for M/M/m queue with two different kinds of (N,T)-policies
In this paper, two different kinds of ( N , T )-policies for an M/M/m queueing system...
Limits for cumulative input processes to queues
We establish functional central limit theorems (FCLTs) for a cumulative input process...
Capital budgeting, the hold-up problem, and information system design
In this article, we explore the connection between information system design and...
Inventory policy for dense retail outlets
A potential retail operations strategy is to have a ‘dense’ store. That...
Optimizing strategic safety stock placement in supply chains
Manufacturing managers face increasing pressure to reduce inventories across the...
A risk‐free perishable item returns policy
A returns policy, which specifies a schedule of rebates from manufacturer to retailer...
Order‐fulfillment performance measures in an assemble‐to‐order system with stochastic leadtimes
We study a multicomponent, multiproduct production and inventory system in which...
(s, S) continuous review models for products with fixed lifetimes
We analyze an ( s , S ) continuous review perishable inventory system with a general...
Simulation of processes with multiple regeneration sequences
The classical regenerative method of simulation output analysis exploits the...
Pricing and the newsvendor problem: a review with extensions
In the newsvendor problem, a decision maker facing random demand for a perishable...
Supplementary variable technique in stochastic models
In this article, we formalize the framework for the supplementary variable technique...
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