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Found 17049 papers in total
The assignment problem with seniority and job priority constraints
Consider an assignment problem in which persons are qualified for some but usually not...
Information-based dynamic manufacturing system scheduling
Information about the state of the system is of paramount importance in determining...
On the existence and convergence of the central path for convex programming and some duality results
This paper gives several equivalent conditions which guarantee the existence of the...
Large-scale convex optimization via saddle point computation
This article proposes large-scale convex optimization problems to be solved via saddle...
Applying experimental design and regression splines to high-dimensional continuous-state stochastic dynamic programming
In stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) with continuous state and decision variables,...
M/M/1 queues with switching costs and hysteretic optimal control
This paper considers an M / M /1 queueing system with dynamically controlled arrival...
Bounds and policies for dynamic routing in loss networks
We consider the problem of maximizing a weighted sum of expected rewards in...
A column generation approach for large-scale aircrew rostering problems
This article describes a method for solving the crew rostering problem in air...
Core problems in knapsack algorithms
Since Balas and Zemel in the 1980s introduced the so-called core problem as an...
An integer-programming-based heuristic for the balanced loading problem
This paper presents an efficient heuristic algorithm for the one-dimensional loading...
Introduction to ABACUS – a branch-and-cut system
The software system ABACUS is an object-oriented framework for the implementation of...
A constant-potential infeasible-start interior-point algorithm with computational experiments and applications
We present a constant-potential infeasible-start interior-point (INFCP) algorithm for...
A parallel interior point method and its application to facility location problems
We present a parallel interior point algorithm to solve block structured linear...
An algorithm based on facial decomposition for finding the efficient set in multiple objective linear programming
We propose a method for finding the efficient set of a multiple objective linear...
On the long-step path-following method for semidefinite programming
It has been shown in various recent research reports that the analysis of short-step...
A randomized linear programming method for computing network bid prices
We analyze a randomized version of the deterministic linear programming (DLP) method...
A necessary second-order optimality condition in nonsmooth mathematical programming
Generalized second-order directional derivatives for nonsmooth real-valued functions...
A solvable case of the quadratic assignment problem
This short note investigates a restricted version of the quadratic assignment problem...
On the applicability of lower bounds for solving rectilinear quadratic assignment problems in parallel
The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) belongs to the hard core of NP-hard...
On equitable resource allocation problems: A lexicographic minimax approach
In this expository paper, we review a variety of resource allocation problems in which...
A hybrid smoothing method for mixed nonlinear complementarity problems
In this paper, we describe a new, integral-based smoothing method for solving the...
The emergence of nonlinear programming: Interactions between practical mathematics and mathematics proper
The beginning of the modern mathematical theory of nonlinear programming can be dated...
A globally convergent sequential quadratic programming algorithm for mathematical programs with linear complementarity constraints
This paper presents a sequential quadratic programming algorithm for computing a...
The monotonic diameter of traveling salesman polytopes
The monotonic diameter of the polytopes arising in the asymmetric and the symmetric...
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