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Found 17049 papers in total
The minimum variance hedge ratio under stochastic interest rates
In an environment where interest rates are stochastic, we examine the case of a...
Optimal control of inflation: A central bank problem
This paper models the action of the central bank on the dynamics of the nominal...
Attribute conflict and preference uncertainty: The RandMAU model
This paper extends the behavioral results reported in Fischer et al. by developing a...
A combinatorial auction with multiple winners for universal service
We describe a discrete-time auction procedure called PAUSE (Progressive Adaptive User...
E Media's Global Zero: Design for environment in a small firm
Shape, Inc. is the last remaining videocassette manufacturer in the United States. It...
An assessment of design-for-environment practices in leading US electronics firms
A growing number of managers believe that addressing environmental impacts in...
Xerox's approach to sustainability
Xerox's environmental strategic goal is to become a waste-free company. This ideal...
Price protection in the personal computer industry
Price protection is a commonly used practice between manufacturers and retailers in...
An empirical analysis of productivity and quality in software products
We examine the relationship between life-cycle productivity and conformance quality in...
The business of sustainable forestry: Meshing operations with strategic purpose
We developed a new framework for defining sustainable forest management (SFM) based on...
Optimal commonality in component design
Increased competition and more demanding customers have forced companies to offer a...
Product recovery at the Norwegian National Insurance Administration
Technical aid centers (TACs) in Norway supply devices, such as wheelchairs and hearing...
Simulated variance optimization for robust design
A method to aid robust design in the presence of design parameter uncertainty is...
Responsibility tokens in supply chain management
The decentralized supply chain management scheme of Lee and Whang can be viewed as...
Aggregation error bounds for a class of location models
Many location models involve distances and demand points in their objective function....
Improvements and comparison of heuristics for solving the uncapacitated multisource Weber problem
The multisource Weber problem is to locate simultaneously m facilities in the...
State institutions and city property taxes: Revisiting the effects of the tax revolt
Cities' reliance on property taxes has declined since the 1970s. This shift has been...
Government purchasing: An evolving profession?
As government organizations step hopefully into a new century, among the challenges...
Fraud in the governmental and private sectors
The objective of this paper is to identify and provide a description, assessment, and...
Centralized vs. decentralized purchasing: Current trends in governmental procurement practices
Today most public sector purchasing processes are in transition. In the face of...
Accounting information, aggregation, and discriminant analysis
Aggregation is a pervasive theme in accounting. The preparation of financial...
Why are forecast updates often disappointing?
Demand forecasts do not become consistently more accurate as they are updated. We...
Effects of process maturity on quality, cycle time, and effort in software product development
The information technology (IT) industry is characterized by rapid innovation and...
Organizing distribution channels for information goods on the Internet
Rapid technological developments and deregulation of the telecommunications industry...
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