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Bringing Japanese continuous improvement approaches to US manufacturing: The roles of process orientation and communications
Choi T.Y.
Continuous improvement (CI) has played a key role in Japan's quality management. U.S....
A decomposition-based pricing procedure for large-scale linear programs: An application to the linear multicommodity flow problem
McBride Richard D.
We propose and test a new pricing procedure for solving large-scale structured linear...
A comparative analysis of quality practice in manufacturing firms in the US and Taiwan
Madu C.N.
The aim of this paper is to determine if there is a causal relationship between...
Infinite linear programming and multichain Markov control processes in uncountable spaces
Hernandez-Lerma O.
In this paper we use infinite linear programming to study Markov control processes in...
A path analytic model of a theory of quality management underlying the Deming management method: Preliminary empirical findings
Anderson J.C.
Despite the impact that Deming and his 14 Points have had on the practice of quality...
Continuity of optimal values and solutions for control of Markov chains with constraints
Altman Eitan
We consider in this paper constrained Markov decision processes. This type of control...
The impact of quality management practices on performance and competitive advantage
Flynn B.B.
As decision makers become more involved in implementing Total Quality Management,...
Identification of the critical factors of total quality management
Black S.A.
Current concepts in the field of Total Quality Management (TQM) are largely based upon...
Development and validation of total quality management implementation constructs
Waller M.A.
The contemporary quality management (QM) literature prescribes various quality...
Optimizing over the efficient set using a top–down search of faces
Sayin Serpil
The problem of optimizing a linear function over the efficient set of a multiple...
Approximation algorithms for the orthogonal z-oriented three-dimensional packing problem
Wakabayashi Y.
We present approximation algorithms for the orthogonal z -oriented three-dimensional...
Scheduling resource-constrained projects competitively at modest memory requirements
Sprecher Arno
We consider the resource-constrained project scheduling problem. The purpose of this...
Optimal assignment of high multiplicity flight plans to dispatchers
Agnetis A.
This paper addresses the problem of finding a feasible schedule of n jobs on m...
Pure strategy asymmetric rendezvous on the line with an unknown initial distance
Alpern Steve
Suppose two blind agents with unit speed are placed a distance H apart on an infinite...
Customer service competition in capacitated systems
Porteus Evan L.
We investigate a simple dynamic model of firm behavior in which firms compete by...
The value of information sharing in a two-level supply chain
Lee Hau L.
Many companies have embarked on initiatives that enable more demand information...
On a queueing network model for cellular mobile telecommunications networks
Dijk Nico M. van
This paper presesnts a queueing network description of a cellular mobile...
Marketable pollution permits in oligopolistic markets with transaction costs
Nagurney Anna
In this paper, we present a variational inequality framework for the modeling,...
Sensitivity analysis in the additive model of data envelopment analysis
Boljuncic V.
Sensitivity analysis of the optimal solutions of data envelopment analysis is...
Incorporating fuel constraints and electricity spot prices into the stochastic unit commitment problem
Takriti Samer
The electric power industry is going through deregulation. As a result, the load on...
Inferring balking behavior from transactional data
Jones Lee K.
Balking is the act of not joining a queue because the prospective arriving customer...
An enhanced sequential fuzzy clustering algorithm
Billings S.A.
A sequential fuzzy clustering algorithm is proposed based on a modification to the...
Simplicity without reduction: Thinking upstream towards the sustainable society
Broman Gran
The natural-step framework is used by over 100 organizations, including many global...
Optimal dynamic investment policy for different tax depreciation rates and economic depreciation rates
Kort P.M.
This paper analyzes the investment policy consequences of incorporating a tax...
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