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Found 17049 papers in total
On inventory abatement via manufacturing randomness reductions
Under a continuous improvement framework, the policy of abating inventory via...
Simplifying optimal strategies in stochastic games
We deal with zero-sum limiting average stochastic games. We show that the existence of...
Supply-chain synchronization: Lessons from Hyundai Motor Company
One of the challenges of supply-chain management is developing ways to effectively...
Using branch-and-price-and-cut to solve origin–destination integer multicommodity flow problems
We present a column-generation model and branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for...
A O(nm log(U/n)) time maximum flow algorithm
In this paper, we present an O ( nm log( U/n )) time maximum flow algorithm. If U...
A dynamic network flow problem with uncertain arc capacities: Formulation and problem structure
We consider a dynamic network flow problem where the arc capacities are random...
A polynomial-time approximation scheme for minimum routing cost spanning trees
Given an undirected graph with nonnegative costs on the edges, the routing cost of any...
Performance analysis of an assembly station with input from multiple fabrication lines
We develop analytical models for performance evaluation of Fabrication/Assembly (F/A)...
Tandem configuration automated guided vehicle systems: A comparative study
Automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems provide the flexibility and integration...
Restless bandits, linear programming relaxations, and a primal–dual index heuristic
We develop a mathematical programming approach for the classical PSPACE-hard restless...
Probabilistic analysis of renewal cycles: An application to a non-Markovian inventory problem with multiple objectives
Many stochastic optimization problems are solved using the renewal reward theorem...
Planned lead times in multistage systems
This study investigates the impact of planned lead times on performance in multistage...
Sliding modes in solving convex programming problems
Sliding modes are used to analyze a class of dynamical systems that solve convex...
Managing the international strategic sourcing process as a market-driven organizational learning system
This study examines the effects of market-driven organizational learning on a select...
Finite horizon stochastic knapsacks with applications to yield management
The finite horizon stochastic knapsack combines a secretary problem with an integer...
The value of using scheduling information in planning material requirements
Current research and practice in the field of production and inventory planning is...
Optimality of myopic ordering policies for inventory model with stochastic supply
This paper addresses a discrete time inventory model where the maximum amount of...
Limits to concurrency
In the global race to bring new products to market, many firms have adopted concurrent...
Monotone optimal policies for a transient queueing staffing problem
We consider the problem of determining the optimal policy for staffing a queueing...
Unification of robust design and goal programming for multiresponse optimization – a case study
Fixing the levels of input process parameters to meet a required specification of...
Heuristic and exact algorithms for the precedence-constrained knapsack problem
The knapsack problem (KP) is generalized taking into account a precedence relation...
On Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition in integer programming and ways to perform branching in a branch-and-price algorithm
Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition as applied to an integer program is a specific form...
A Lagrangian heuristic based branch-and-bound approach for the capacitated network design problem
The capacitated network design problem is a multicommodity minimal cost network flow...
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