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Found 17049 papers in total
The role of automation and labor in determining customer satisfaction in a telephone repair service process
Telephone repair process and performance relationships are modeled using a structural...
Supply-chain analysis at Volkswagen of America
In 1995, Volkswagen of America began a review of its vehicle-distribution system...
An industrial ocean-cargo shipping problem
This paper reports the modeling and solution of an industrial ocean-cargo shipping...
The influences of user characteristics on performance in a logistics decision support systems application
Decision Support Systems (DSS) are widely used in logistics decision applications, and...
Measuring the congruence between market requirements and manufacturing: A methodology and illustration
This paper presents a measurement methodology based on existing research in the...
Designing lateral organizations: An analysis of the benefits, costs, and enablers of nonhierarchical organizational forms
Twenty-first century organizations will require designs that enable them to cope with...
Reengineering: A focus on enterprise integration
We surveyed industries to determine what factors trigger reengineering, the nature of...
Performance-based incentives in a dynamic principal–agent model
The principal–agent paradigm, in which a principal has a primary stake in the...
A multiple objective embedded network model for human resource planning and an implementation of the Tchebycheff method
A multiple objective embedded network model is proposed to model a variety of human...
A stochastic goal program for employee scheduling
Deterministic goal programs for employee scheduling decisions attempt to minimize...
Statistical analysis of computational tests of algorithms and heuristics
Statistical analysis is a powerful tool to apply when evaluating the performance of...
Parallelizing the dual simplex method
We study the parallelization of the steepest-edge version of the dual simplex...
Handling sensor data in rapidly changing environments to support soft real-time requirements
Databases have been mandated as the chosen platform to develop automated control...
The nucleolus strikes back
In a recent paper in Decision Sciences , Barton proposes the minimum total propensity...
Rationing capacity between two product classes
In this paper, we study the capacity allocation problem faced by make-to-order...
Lot splitting in stochastic flow shop and a job shop environments
In recent years many firms have been implementing small lot size production. Lot...
A theoretical model of manufacturing lead times and their relationship to a manufacturing goal hierarchy
In recent years, manufacturing firms have realized that a new, higher level of global...
Congestion and complexity costs in a plant with fixed resources that strives to make schedule
In a firm that makes schedule, orders are always processed within a fixed time frame....
A virtual cellular manufacturing approach to batch production
In this paper, Virtual Cellular Manufacturing (VCM), an alternative approach to...
Master production rescheduling policy in capacity-constrained just-in-time make-to-stock environments
This paper describes a simulation experiment to evaluate the relative effectiveness of...
A note on ‘an approximate solution to deterministic kanban systems’
In a recent paper, Moeeni and Chang presented an efficient heuristic solution method...
A note on ‘an approximate solution to deterministic kanban systems’: A commentary and further insights
In a recent paper, Vemuganti, Batta and Zhu stated that the linear programming model...
Analysis of local decision rules in a dual-kanban flow shop
A recent article reported the results of a study on the effects of two kanban policy...
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