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Found 17049 papers in total
The use of computer-mediated communication in an interorganizational context
The rapid growth of global telecommunication networks, and in particular the Internet,...
Managing Delphi surveys nonparametric statistical techniques
Information systems researchers have often turned to a variant of the Delphi survey...
Do corporate global environmental standards create or destroy market value?
Arguments can be made on both sides of the question of whether a stringent global...
The significance of information systems research on emerging technologies: Seven information technologies that promise to improve managerial effectiveness
Emerging information technologies are those excitingly novel advances that decision...
The emergence of hypertext and problem solving: An experimental investigation of accessing and using information from linear versus nonlinear systems
Past research suggests that problem solving and/or decision behaviour can be altered...
Client/server system success: Exploring the human side
Client/server systems (CSS) are emerging as the new paradigm for systems development,...
Media appropriateness: Effects of experience on communication media choice
Organizations are faced with a myriad of emerging advanced information technologies....
Virtual teams versus face-to-face teams: An exploratory study of a Web-based conference system
Many organizations are forming ‘virtual teams’ of geographically...
Contractor accreditation: A probabilistic model
The selection of competent contractors is a critical function in all business...
Why a decision maker may prefer a seemingly unfair gamble
It is generally believed that risk-averse managers will not accept unfair gambles and...
Comparing decision rules that incorporate customer diversion in perishable asset revenue management situations
Most of the initial work on perishable asset revenue management situations assumed no...
Toward an understanding of the behavioral intention to use an information system
Organizational investment in information systems is often large and risky given the...
The effectiveness of different representations for managerial problem solving: Comparing tables and maps
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) enable decision makers to view tabular data...
Artificial neural network models for pricing initial public offerings
In recent times, managerial applications of neural networks, especially in the area of...
The effects of task information and outcome feedback on individuals' insight into their decison models
When making business decisions, people generally receive some form of guidance. Often,...
An examination of the effect of continuous quality improvements on optimal pricing for durable goods
This paper investigates the nature of optimal prices for a durable good in the...
Optimizing delivery fees for a network of distributors
The third-party logistics industry has grown rapidly in recent years, accounting for...
Portfolio optimization under a minimax rule
This paper provides a new portfolio selection rule. The objective is to minimize the...
Analytical valuation of American-style Asian options
This article derives the first analytical pricing formulas for American-style Asian...
Overstated quarterly earnings and analysts' earnings forecast revisions
A primary purpose of accounting is to provide information for decision makers....
Risk-constrained dynamic active portfolio management
Active portfolio management is concerned with objectives related to the outperformance...
Capital budgeting for volume flexible equipment
Recent advances in technology have created opportunities for firms to invest in...
A comprehensive model for managing credit risk on home mortgage portfolios
Managing credit risk in financial institutions requires the ability to forecast...
Correction constants for present values of seasonal cash flows
In a recent Decision Sciences article, McMath developed the correction constants...
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