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Found 17049 papers in total
Nested partitions method for global optimization
We propose a new randomized method for solving global optimization problems. This...
The angular-metric traveling salesman problem
Motivated by applications in robotics, we formulate the problem of minimizing the...
Learning by objectives for adaptive shop-floor scheduling
Effective production scheduling requires consideration of the dynamics and...
Customer order scheduling in a general job shop environment
The primary objective of this study is to examine the performance of order-based...
Computational analysis of MMAP[K]/PH[>K]/ 1 queues with a mixed FCFS and LCFS service discipline
This paper studies a queueing system with a Markov arrival process with marked...
Workload distribution of discrete-time parallel queues with two servers
We study discrete-time, parallel queues with two identical servers. Customers arrive...
Stability of multiclass queueing networks under priority service disciplines
In this paper, we establish a sufficient condition for the stability of a multiclass...
Separability in optimal allocation
The optimal allocation for stratification, parameterized by the respective sampling...
Time-indexed formulations for machine scheduling problems: Column generation
Time-indexed formulations for machine scheduling problems have received a great deal...
Close-point spatial tests and their application to random number generators
We study statistical tests of uniformity based on the L p -distances between the m...
Selecting scheduling heuristics using neural networks
This paper discusses the application of neural networks to select the best heuristic...
A review of flowshop scheduling research with setup times
Flowshop scheduling problems with setup times arise naturally in many practical...
A simulation metamodel for response-time planning
Field service management continues to be a major challenge for many service...
Measuring the robustness of empirical efficiency valuations
We study the robustness of empirical efficiency valuations of production processes in...
Convex input and output projections of nonconvex production possibility sets
In this paper we characterize the smallest production possibility set that contains a...
An assurance interval for the non-Archimedean epsilon in data envelopment analysis (DEA) models
This paper clarifies the role of non-Archimedean infinitesimal ε in DEA models so...
Estimating distribution functions from partially observed samples
Suppose that some components are initially operated in a certain condition and then...
Multivariate meta analysis with potentially correlated marketing study results
A univariate meta analysis is often used to summarize various study results on the...
A remark on third degree stochastic dominance
This note presents two counterexamples to illustrate that neither implication of...
Operations research at Bell Laboratories through the 1970s: Part I
This historical account of operations research at Bell Laboratories was drafted in the...
Operations research at Bell Laboratories through the 1970s: Part II
This historical account of operations research at Bell Laboratories was drafted in the...
Effects of source and participant anonymity and difference in initial opinions in an electronic meeting system context
This laboratory experiment studied the effects of source and participant anonymity,...
A structure-exploiting tool in algebraic modeling languages
A new concept is proposed for linking algebraic modeling languages with...
Global measures of information service quality: A cross-national study
Maintaining consistently high quality information services (IS) is a powerful means of...
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