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Found 17049 papers in total
An empirical study of the impact of just-in-time task scope versus just-in-time workflow integration on organizational design
The research tests a theory of JIT as a technology having task scope versus workflow...
A bundle type dual-ascent approach to linear multicommodity min-cost flow problems
We present a Cost Decomposition approach for the linear Multicommodity Min-Cost Flow...
Minmax regret median location on a network under uncertainty
We consider the 1-median problem on a network with uncertain weights of nodes....
Algorithms for path-based placement of inspection stations on networks
Placement of inspection stations is a common task in transportation and communication...
Heuristic and metaheuristic approaches for a class of two-dimensional bin packing problems
Two-dimensional bin packing problems consist of allocating, without overlapping, a...
Computing Laplace transforms for numerical inversion via continued fractions
It is often possible to effectively calculate probability density functions (pdfs) and...
Exact and approximate nondeterministic tree-search procedures for the quadratic assignment problem
This article introduces two new techniques for solving the Quadratic Assignment...
A stochastic branch-and-bound approach to activity crashing in project management
Many applications such as project scheduling, workflow modeling, or business process...
When does a dynamic programming formulation guarantee the existence of a fully polynomial time approximation scheme?
We derive results of the following flavor: If a combinatorial optimization problem can...
A minimal algorithm for the bounded knapsack problem
The Bounded Knapsack Problem (BKP) is a generalization of the 0–1 Knapsack...
Progress in linear programming-based algorithms for integer programming: An exposition
This paper is about modeling and solving mixed integer programming problems. In the...
A new algebraic geometry algorithm for integer programming
We propose a new algorithm for solving integer programming (IP) problems that is based...
Bounds on the opportunity cost of neglecting reoptimization in mathematical programming
Postoptimality or sensitivity analysis are well-developed subjects in almost all...
Propagation of interval values in simple processing networks
Process network optimization problems are prevalent in the processing industries....
A fuzzy Hopfield–Tank traveling salesman problem model
This article describes a Hopfield–Tank model of the Euclidean traveling salesman...
A heavy traffic approximation for workload processes with heavy tailed service requirements
A system with heavy tailed service requirements under heavy load having a single...
Price and service discrimination in queuing systems: Incentive compatibility of Gcμ scheduling
This article studies the optimal prices and service quality grades that a queuing...
Path generation for quasi-Monte Carlo simulation of mortgage-backed securities
Monte Carlo simulation is playing an increasingly important role in the pricing and...
Fostering risk taking in research and development: The importance of a project's terminal value
Large firms face a conflict in managing a portfolio of high-risk projects. When an...
A risk-sharing approach to transfer pricing and incentive compensation problems under exchange rate uncertainty
This study examines the transfer pricing and incentive compensation problems in a...
Shape – a stochastic hybrid approximation procedure for two-stage stochastic programs
We consider the problem of approximating the expected recourse function for two-stage...
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