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Found 17049 papers in total
Use of decision analysis in the Army Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) 2005 military value analysis
In 2001, Congress enacted legislation that required a 2005 Base Realignment and...
Multiobjective value analysis of army basic training
Basic combat training is the first course in initial entry training for U.S. Army...
Optimal sequential exploration: A binary learning model
In this paper, we develop a practical and flexible framework for evaluating sequential...
Acceptable input: Using decision analysis to guide public policy deliberations
Multiparty deliberative processes have become a popular way to increase public...
An analysis of a strategic decision in the sport of curling
We apply decision analysis to an important decision in the sport of curling. In...
A multiple-objective decision analysis of stakeholder values to identify watershed improvement needs
This paper describes the use of multiple-objective decision analysis to qualitatively...
The influence of influence diagrams on artificial intelligence
Howard and Matheson's article ‘Influence Diagrams’ has had a substantial...
Anchor levels as a new tool for the theory and measurement of multiattribute utility
This paper introduces anchor levels as a new tool for multiattribute utility theory....
A preference programming approach to make the even swaps method even easier
This paper introduces an approach to support different phases of the even swaps...
Attribute dominance utility
We present an analogy between joint cumulative probability distributions and a class...
Computer-aided learning and assessment for spreadsheet modelling of critical path analysis
In many universities, courses in quantitative methods for business are provided for...
PERT completion times revisited
Two sources of PERT completion time bias are well documented in the literature: near...
Sequential search with multiattribute options
We describe a search problem in which a decision maker (DM) must select among...
Fuzzy queuing location-allocation models for congested systems
Since in the emergency service networks the length of time to attend to call is of...
Machine layout in 2-dimensional plane based on genetic algorithms
Optimal solution of machine layout problem is very difficult due to non-polynomial...
Internet exchanges for used books: an empirical analysis of product cannibalization and welfare impact
Information systems and the Internet have facilitated the creation of used-product...
An extended privacy calculus model for E-commerce transactions
While privacy is a highly cherished value, few would argue with the notion that...
Electronic tickets, smart cards, and online prepayments: When and how to advance sell
Advance selling occurs when sellers allow buyers to purchase at a time preceding...
Structural analysis of manufacturer pricing in the presence of a strategic retailer
Consumer goods manufacturers usually sell their brands to consumers through common...
Quality segmentation in spatial markets: When does cannibalization affect product line design?
Durable goods manufacturers often design product lines by segmenting their markets on...
Unobserved retailer behavior in multimarket data: Joint spatial dependence in market shares and promotion variables
Marketing scholars and practitioners frequently infer market responses from...
Consumer heterogeneity and competitive price-matching guarantees
Price-matching guarantees are widely used in consumer and industrial markets. Previous...
Price discrimination as an adverse signal: Why an offer to spread payments may hurt demand
Firms often search enthusiastically for distinguishing traits that they may use to...
2001: A marketing odyssey
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