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The loss probability in an overloaded queue using the dual queue
Gouweleeuw Frank N.
In this paper we will consider the single-server finite-capacity queue with a system...
Greedy sets and related problems
Girlich Eberhard
A set D is called greedy if the greedy algorithm solves the problem max { cx |...
Computational experience with approximation algorithms for the set covering problem
Grossman Tal
The Set Covering problem (SCP) is a well known combinatorial optimization problem,...
Branch-and-price algorithms for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem
Vance Pamela H.
We compare two branch-and-price approaches for the cutting stock problem. Each...
Joint planning of combined heat and power and electric power systems: An efficient model formulation
Gardner Douglas T.
The growing importance of combined heat and power (CHP) around the world has increased...
Multicriteria analysis vs. externalities assessment for the comparative evaluation of electricity generation systems
Mirasgedis S.
Attributing costs to the environmental impacts of energy production and use could...
A Multicriteria Decision Aid approach for energy planning problems: The case of renewable energy option
Georgopoulou E.
In the past, the choice among alternative energy policies at regional level was based...
Role of design-philosophies in interfacing manufacturing with marketing
Balakrishnan Nagraj
Product design involves the mapping of a product's marketing attributes to its...
Discretized reality and spurious profits in stochastic programming models for asset/liability management
Klaassen Pieter
In the literature on stochastic programming models for practical portfolio investment...
Bank asset and liability management under uncertainty
Ouzsoy Cemal Berk
This study presents a multiperiod stochastic linear simple recourse model for asset...
Simulation techniques for the sensitivity analysis of multi-criteria decision models
Dyer James S.
This paper presents a simulation approach for high dimensional sensitivity analysis of...
Handling missing prices in a thinly traded stock market: Implications for the specification of event study methods
Kallunki Juha-Pekka
This paper employs a simulation approach to provide new evidence on how thin trading...
Scaling units via the canonical correlation analysis in the DEA context
Sinuany-Stern Zilla
This paper deals with the evaluation of decision making units which have multiple...
Equivalences between Data Envelopment Analysis and the theory of redundancy in linear systems
Dul J.H.
This paper establishes how the non-parametric frontier estimation methodology of Data...
Estimating returns to scale in DEA
Golany Boaz
This paper addresses issues of returns to scale in Data Envelopment Analysis. Starting...
Operations research and environmental planning
Pappis C.P.
This paper aims at specifying the contribution of OR to environmental planning. To...
How to benefit from decision analysis in environmental life cycle assessment
Hmlinen Raimo P.
Environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) is one method to support environmental...
Collaborative environmental planning with GeoMed
Karacapilidis Nikos I.
Environmental planning usually involves a large number of decision makers with...
An interactive decision-making approach based on intelligent systems to redraw district boundaries in regional planning
Moualek Idir
Environmental planning decisions have become a major challenge and are receiving...
A model for long-term global air quality prediction and development of efficient control strategies in Turkey
Kumbarolu Grkan S.
This paper presents an environmental model which differentiates fuel consumption by...
Solving an equilibrium model for trade of CO2 emission permits
Beler Benno
In this paper we investigate the trade of CO 2 emission permits in the framework of a...
Integrated assessment models for acid rain
Hordijk Leen
This paper reviews 20 acid rain models, with special emphasis on integrated assessment...
Integration of price-depending demand reactions in an optimising energy emission model for the development of CO2-mitigation strategies
Rentz O.
Optimising techno-economic energy emission models are applied to develop and analyse...
A procedure for optimizing tactical response in oil spill clean up operations
Wilhelm Wilbert E.
The Tactical Decision Problem (TDP) associated with oil spill clean up operations...
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