Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Waiting line model applications in manufacturing
Improving manufacturing and attaining manufacturing excellence to gain competitive...
Determination of optimal production rates on a single facility with dependent mold lifespan
In this paper, we consider a situation where several dedicated items are produced on a...
Effects of varability on the due-time performance of a continuous materials flow production system in series
In this study, we consider a specific continuous materials flow production system with...
A contraction algorithm for the multiparametric integer linear programming problem
We designed and implemented an algorithm to solve the continuous right hand side...
Facets for node packing
The Node Packing Problem is an extremely important problem given that its comprises...
Potential reduction algorithms for structured combinatorial optimization problems
Recently Karmarkar proposed a potential reduction algorithm for binary feasibility...
A short proof of optimality of the Bottom Up algorithm for discrete resource allocation problems
The paper deals with the problem of maximizing a separable concave function over...
A constant-potential infeasible-start interior-point algorithm with computational experiments and applications
We present a constant-potential infeasible-start interior-point (INFCP) algorithm for...
The most-obtuse-angle row pivot rule for achieving dual feasibility: A computational study
We recently proposed several new pivot rules for achieving dual feasibility in linear...
Decomposition of the fuzzy parametric space in multiobjective nonlinear programming problems
This paper deals with a method for decomposing the fuzzy parametric space in...
Local convergence of the symmetric rank-one iteration
We consider conditions under which the SR1 iteration is locally convergent. We apply...
Using forward accumulation for automatic differentiation of implicitly-defined functions
This paper deals with the calculation of partial derivatives (w.r.t. the independent...
A hybrid smoothing method for mixed nonlinear complementarity problems
In this paper, we describe a new, integral-based smoothing method for solving the...
An interior-point method for approximate positive semidefinite completions
Given a nonnegative, symmetric matrix of weights, H , we study the problem of finding...
Convergence properties of feasible descent methods for solving variational inequalities in Banach spaces
This work is concerned with the analysis of convergence properties of feasible descent...
A tabu search Hooke and Jeeves algorithm for unconstrained optimization
This paper addresses the problem of finding the global minimum of a nonconvex...
Sensitivity analysis in linear programming: Just be careful!
In this paper we review the topic of sensitivity analysis in linear programming. We...
The balanced linear programming problem
The Balanced Linear Programming Problem (BLPP) arises in situations which required...
Stochastic linear programs with restricted recourse
Stochastic programs with recourse provide an effective modeling paradigm for...
Modelling stochastic decision systems using dependent-chance programming
This paper further discusses the techniques of dependent-chance programming,...
On nonsmooth and discontinuous problems of stochastic systems optimization
A class of stochastic optimization problems is analyzed that cannot be solved by...
Optimal allocation of simulation experiments in discrete stochastic optimization and approximative algorithms
Approximate solutions for discrete stochastic optimization problems are often obtained...
Stochastic gradient algorithm with random truncations
Let ƒ : R d × R d ′ → R be a Borel-measurable function which...
Estimated stochastic programs with chance constraints
We will consider a non-parametric estimation procedure for chance-constrained...
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