Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
A cutting-plane approach to mixed 0–1 stochastic integer programs
We consider a mixed 0–1 integer programming problem with dual block-angular...
The augmented system variant of interior point methods in two-stage stochastic linear programming computation
The application of interior point methods to solve the deterministic equivalent of...
Accelerating the regularized decomposition method for two stage stochastic linear problems
Practical improvements of the regularized decomposition algorithm for two stage...
Modelling and analysis of multistage stochastic programming problems: A software environment
In many decision problems, time and uncertainty play important roles and stochastic...
Stochastic optimization on Bayesian nets
In this paper we are concerned with stochastic optimization problems in the case when...
The asymptotic value-to-capacity ratio for the multi-class stochastic knapsack problem
We consider a stochastic knapsack problem that packs multiple classes of random items....
A globally convergent sequential quadratic programming algorithm for mathematical programs with linear complementarity constraints
This paper presents a sequential quadratic programming algorithm for computing a...
A new penalty function algorithm for convex quadratic programming
In this paper, we develop an exterior point algorithm for convex quadratic programming...
Robust autoregressive estimates using quadratic programming
The robust estimation of the autoregressive parameters is formulated in terms of the...
A reference direction approach to multiple objective quadratic–linear programming
In this paper, we propose an interactive procedure for solving multiple criteria...
Estimating the Held–Karp lower bound for the geometric travelling salesman problem
The Held–Karp lower bound (HK) provides a very good problem-specific estimate of...
An open shop scheduling problem with a non-bottleneck machine
This paper considers the problem of processing n jobs in a two-machine non-preemptive...
Polynomial algorithms for single machine scheduling problems with financial constraints
This paper deals with the single machine scheduling problem with multiple financial...
Heuristic algorithms for the two-stage hybrid flowshop problem
A two-stage Hybrid Flowshop Problem (FS m 1 , m 2 ) is a two-center shop with several...
Single machine scheduling with discretely controllable processing times
In the field of machine scheduling problems with controllable processing times, it is...
Batch scheduling to minimize maximum lateness
We address the single-machine batch scheduling problem which arises when there are job...
Rendezvous search on the line with bounded resources: Expected time minimization
Two players are placed on the line and want to meet. Neither knows the direction of...
Waiting times of a finite-capacity multi-server model with non-preemptive priorities
We consider a non-preemptive head of the line multi-server priority model with finite...
Metaheuristics for high school timetabling
In this paper we present the results of an investigation of the possibilities offered...
The teacher assignment problem: A special case of the fixed charge transportation problem
A basic model of the task of assigning classes to professors, in such a way that the...
Distribution requirements and compactness constraints in school timetabling
This paper provides the following contributions: First, distribution requirements for...
Necessary conditions for global stability of multiclass queueing networks
In this paper, we obtain necessary conditions for the global stability of a d -station...
A note on an M/GI/1/N queue with vacation time and exhaustic service discipline
We consider an M/GI/1/N queue with vacation time and exhaustive service discipline,...
A multi-level composite heuristic for the multi-depot vehicle fleet mix problem
The problem of simultaneously allocating customers to depots, finding the delivery...
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