Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
The capacitated arc routing problem: Valid inequalities and facets
In this paper we study the polyhedron associated with the Capacitated Arc Routing...
Projection with a minimal system of inequalities
Projection of a polyhedron involves the use of a cone whose extreme rays induce the...
The growth of multi-constraint random knapsacks with large right-hand sides of the constraints
The asymptotic value of an m -constraint, n -variable, binary random knapsack is...
On dominated terms in the general knapsack problem
A necessary and sufficient condition for the identification of dominated terms in a...
Rank-based statistical procedures in Analytic Hierarchy Process
Rank-based procedures which do not require any assumption on statistical distributions...
Multicriteria decision analysis in a decision tree
The outcomes at the tips of a decision tree cannot always be represented by a single...
Introduction to a new weighting method – Hierarchy Consistency Analysis
This paper proposes a new methodology – Hierarchy Consistency Analysis (HCA)....
A Monte Carlo investigation of incomplete pairwise comparison matrices in AHP
The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a decision analysis technique used to evaluate...
On the analytic representation of the Leximin ordering and its application to flexible constraint propagation
We discuss the basic formulation of constraint propagation problems and extend it to...
Fuzzy sharing problem by possibility measure
In this paper, weights, which are associated with the sink nodes as constant values in...
Does cooperation in auditing matter? A comparison of a non-cooperative and a cooperative game model of auditing
A game model of auditing including internal control investigation and substantive...
Global and superlinear convergence of a restricted class and self-scaling methods with inexact line searches, for convex functions
This paper studies the convergence properties of algorithms belonging to the class of...
Exact algorithms for the stochastic shortest path problem with a decreasing deadline utility function
In this paper, the stochastic shortest path problem of determining a path that...
Response surface methodology: A neural network approach
Response surface methodology is used to optimize the parameters of a process when the...
Decomposition methods for differentiable optimization problems over Cartesian product sets
This paper presents a unified analysis of decomposition algorithms for continuously...
Quadratic and superlinear convergence of the Huschens method for nonlinear least squares problems
This paper is concerned with quadratic and superlinear convergence of structured...
Feature minimization within decision trees
Decision trees for classification can be constructed using mathematical programming....
A simple successive linear programming algorithm for solving a class of nonlinear programs
Successive linear programming algorithms solve nonlinear optimization problems via a...
New reformulation linearization/convexification relaxations for univariate and multivariate polynomial programming problems
This paper is concerned with the global optimization of polynomial programming...
On the applicability of lower bounds for solving rectilinear quadratic assignment problems in parallel
The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) belongs to the hard core of NP-hard...
A branch-and-bound algorithm for the mini-max spanning forest problem
The mini-max spanning forest problem requires to find a spanning forest of an...
A branch and bound algorithm for the two-stage assembly scheduling problem
This paper develops a branch and bound algorithm for the two-stage assembly scheduling...
The minimum covering lpb-hypersphere problem
The minimum covering hypersphere problem is defined as to find a hypersphere of...
On the existence and convergence of the central path for convex programming and some duality results
This paper gives several equivalent conditions which guarantee the existence of the...
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