Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
The break quantity rule's effect on inventory costs in a 1-warehouse, N-retailers distribution system
In this paper the effect of the break quantity rule on the inventory costs in a...
(0, ±1) ideal matrices
A (0, 1) matrix A is said to be ideal if all the vertices of the polytope Q(A) = {x...
The β-assignment problems
Suppose G = (S, T, E) is a bipartite graph, where ( S, T ) is a bipartition of the...
Analysis and algorithm for the optimal investment times of new manufacturing technologies in a duopoly
On the basis of a dynamic and non-cooperative game-theoretic model, the optimal...
Designing reliable tree networks with two cable technologies
In this paper we introduce a minimal spanning tree problem with generalized hop...
A new pragmatic approach to capital investment appraisal: The financial appraisal profile model
Evidence is produced to support the claim that management have not fully accepted the...
A tabu search algorithm for the optimisation of telecommunication networks
A Tabu Search (TS) algorithm is presented for topological optimisation of broadband...
Autonomous vehicle navigation using evolutionary reinforcement learning
Reinforcement learning schemes perform direct on-line search in control space. This...
Combined location–routing problems: A synthesis and future research directions
Over the past few decades, the concept of integrated logistics systems has emerged as...
A tabu search heuristic procedure for the fixed charge transportation problem
We develop a tabu search approach for the fixed charge transportation (FCT) problem...
Perception and information in a competitive location model
This paper considers a situation in which two competitors locate one facility each at...
Efficient solution procedure and reduced size formulations for p-hub location problems
In this paper we consider the uncapacitated p -hub location problems, where multiple...
Minimum cost capacity installation for multicommodity network flows
Consider a directed graph G = ( V,A ), and a set of traffic demands to be shipped...
A two-level network for recycling sand: A case study
In The Netherlands, the recycling of construction waste and in particular of sand...
Diagnosing infeasibilities in network flow problems
We consider the problem of finding a feasible flow in a directed network G = ( N,A )...
Dynamic facility location when the total number of facilities is uncertain: A decision analysis approach
Models developed to analyze facility location decisions have typically optimized one...
Reliable tool replacement policy for quality and cost
A tool management model is developed which determines the optimal initial tool setting...
A generalized age and block replacement of a system subject to shocks
A system is subject to shocks that arrive according to a nonhomogeneous Poisson...
k L-list-τ colouring of graphs
The k L -list τ colouring of a graph G is an L -list colouring (with positive...
Two-stage generalized age maintenance of a queue-like production system
In general, the initiation of preventive maintenance should be based on the technical...
Global optimization for artificial neural networks: A tabu search application
The ability of neural networks to closely approximate unknown functions to any degree...
The new challenges of management in a wired world
The old causal models used in decision support systems are not adequate any more to...
Parallel genetic models for structural optimization
Genetic Algorithm (GA) based optimizers are adaptive search algorithms that combine...
A multiattractor model for the dynamic control of companies
The dynamic behaviour of complex human organisations in dynamic environments results...
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