Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Graded forecasting using an array of bipolar predictions: Application of probabilistic neural networks to a stock market index
To an increasing extent over the past decade, software learning methods including...
Modelling and simulation of a supply chain in an uncertain environment
This paper describes fuzzy modelling and simulation of a supply chain (SC) in an...
Generalising about univariate forecasting methods: Further empirical evidence
This paper extends the empirical evidence on the forecasting accuracy of extrapolative...
A system to support the enhancement of strategic flexibility in manufacturing enterprises
Manufacturing companies are finding it necessary to change their corporate strategy...
Commentaries on ‘Generalizing about univariate forecasting methods: Further empirical evidence’
This set of comments addresses issues raised by Fildes et al . Armstrong highlights...
Forecast frequency in rolling horizon hedging heuristics for capacity expansion
This paper describes a simulation study of the effect of forecast revisions and hedges...
A nonlinear forecasts combination method based on Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy systems
In this paper, we investigate the use of a special class of fuzzy systems, namely...
Managing production with flexible capacity deployment for serial multi-stage manufacturing systems
This paper presents a model for serial multi-stage manufacturing systems facing...
Are OECD forecasts rational and useful? A directional analysis
Tests of direction are employed to evaluate the rationality and usefulness of a large...
A cell formation algorithm: Hypergraph approximation – cut tree
A new cell formation technique is presented and analyzed in this paper. The cell...
How should additive Holt–Winters estimates be corrected?
An important by-product of a good forecasting procedure is to gain some understanding...
Purchase quantity discounts and open order rescheduling in an assemble-to-order environment: The hidden economic tradeoffs
In manufacturing systems, raw materials and components are purchased from outside...
A model selection strategy for time series with increasing seasonal variation
We propose a model selection strategy for time series with increasing seasonal...
The persistence of specification problems in the distribution of combined forecast errors
Combinations of several forecasts are now quite commonly used as inputs into business...
Bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressions: Some alternatives
A new method is proposed to obtain interval forecasts for autoregressive models taking...
Additive outliers, GARCH and forecasting volatility
The Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity [GARCH] model is often...
Fitting autoregressive trend stationary models with finite samples
Sims conjectured that the conditional maximum likelihood estimator of autoregressive...
Seasonal unit roots and forecasts of two-digit European industrial production
Monthly industrial production in important sectors of the German, French and UK...
The impact of firm and export characteristics on the accuracy of export sales forecasts: Evidence from UK exporters
The empirical literature on forecasting practice has hardly distinguished between...
A multi-objective model for locating fire stations
The purpose of this paper is to determine where to locate fire-station facilities. The...
Are sports seedings good predictors? An evaluation
Very little attention has been given to predicting outcomes of sporting events. While...
A review and interpretations of process capability indices
Practitioners of industrial statistics are generally familiar with the common C p and...
Optimal pacing in an assembly-based multi-stage production system
We examine periodic pacing in a multi-stage non-synchronous production system where...
A decomposition approximation for assembly–disassembly queueing networks with finite buffer and blocking
The throughputs of assembly and disassembly queueing networks with finite buffer and...
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