Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Investigating sensitivity and the impact of information of pricing decisions in an M/M/1/∞ queueing model
We consider a model for optimal pricing for a job shop. The problem is formulated as a...
A progressive figure-based production planning system for a component manufacturer
This paper describes the results of a practical project where a production planning...
On the projected subgradient method for nonsmooth convex optimization in a Hilbert space
We consider the method for constrained convex optimization in a Hilbert space,...
Case-based reasoning for production scheduling
We will present an information system supporting decision making in the area of...
Characterization of the barrier parameter of homogeneous convex cones
We characterize the smallest (best) barrier parameter of self-concordant barriers for...
A methodology for integrating economic criteria in design and production management decisions
Cost management methods currently have to contribute to the decision support for...
A continuation method for (strongly) monotone variational inequalities
We consider the variational inequality problem, denoted by VIP( X,F ) where F is a...
An analysis of the impact of plant and management variables in a multi-stage, mixed-model production system
‘Mixed model’ production lines are often used in manufacturing systems...
Trust region affine scaling algorithms for linearly constrained convex and concave programs
We study a trust region affine scaling algorithm for solving the linearly constrained...
Managing capacity in tightly constrained systems
Many make-to-order firms face total expected demand in excess of available capacity....
Second-order global optimality conditions for convex composite optimization
In recent years second-order sufficient conditions of an isolated local minimizer for...
Simulation of activity costs for the reengineering of production systems
This paper discusses a simulation aided approach of economy and productivity measures...
An interior point method with Bregman functions for the variational inequality problem with paramonotone operators
We present an algorithm for the variational inequality problem on convex sets with...
Action-timing problem with sequential Bayesian belief revision process
We consider the problem of deciding the best action time when observations are made...
A note on the behavior of the insureds in auto-insurance systems in Turkey
The aim of the paper is to examine the relation between the type of bonus–malus...
Goal network programs: A specialized algorithm and an application
This paper presents a specialized network procedure for the solution of pure goal...
Technical efficiency and economies of scale in state owned enterprises: The Hellenic telecommunications organisation
In this paper we propose methodologies for assessing the relative efficiency of state...
A tolerance approach to the fuzzy goal programming problems with unbalanced triangular membership function
This paper investigates the application of tolerance concepts to goal programming in a...
Lexicographic improvement of the target values in convex goal programming
The aim of this paper is to carry out an exhaustive post optimization analysis in a...
Fuzzy linear fractional goal programming applied to refinery operations planning
Chemical process plant operations planning in an oil refinery has been modelled as a...
Solving a two-dimensional trim-loss problem with mixed integer linear programming
In this paper a two-dimensional trim-loss problem connected to the paper-converting...
An objective hyperplane search procedure for solving the general all-integer linear programming problem
We describe an objective hyperplane search method for solving a class of integer...
Efficient cuts in Lagrangean ‘relax-and-cut’ schemes
Lagrangean relaxation produces bounds on the optimal value of (mixed) integer...
Non-linear integer programming by Darwin and Boltzmann mixed strategy
Non-linear integer programnming (NIP) is a NP-complete problem with extensive...
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