Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Cost optimal allocation of rail passenger lines
We consider the problem of cost optimal railway line allocation for passenger trains...
A dynamic tool requirement planning model for flexible manufacturing systems
Despite their strategic potential, tool management issues in flexible manufacturing...
Can univariate models forecast turning points in seasonal economic time series?
Based on a particular class of recently developed unobserved component models with...
The comparative forecast performance of univariate and multivariate models: An application to real interest rate forecasting
Does the use of information on the past history of the nominal interest rates and...
Forecasting unstable and nonstationary time series
Many time series are asymptotically unstable and intrinsically nonstationary, i.e....
A two-step approach for identifying seasonal autoregressive time series forecasting models
One of the most powerful and widely used methodologies for forecasting economic time...
Improving forecasting for telemarketing centers by ARIMA modeling with intervention
In this study we analyze existing and improved methods for forecasting incoming calls...
The impact of incentives on the accuracy of subjects in judgmental forecasting experiments
There is an ongoing debate in the social sciences about whether or not financial...
Combining probabilistic and subjective assessments of error to provide realistic appraisals of demographic forecast uncertainty: Alho's approach
With increasing interest in forecast uncertainty, there is an evolving concern with...
Economic design of screening procedures when the rejected items are reprocessed
In a screening inspection, all of the items are subject to acceptance inspection. If...
Economic reorder point for fuzzy backorder quantity
In this paper we consider the backorder inventory problem with fuzzy backorder such...
Comments on: A comparative analysis for determining optimal price and order quantity when a sale increases demand
Although the net present value (NPV) criterion is theoretically the correct approach...
Stability analysis and optimization of an inventory system with bounded orders
This paper addresses the control of a one-item inventory system subject to random...
The use of genetic algorithms to solve the economic lot size scheduling problem
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of genetic algorithms (GAs) for...
Hybrid heuristics for the capacitated lot sizing and loading problem with setup times and overtime decisions
The capacitated lot sizing and loading problem (CLSLP) deals with the issue of...
Balancing stocks, flexible recipe costs and high service level requirements in a batch process industry: A study of a small scale model
Process industries often obtain their raw materials from mining or agricultural...
A spare parts stocking policy based on equipment criticality
Demand for spare parts can sometimes be classified into critical and non-critical...
Fluid stochastic Petri nets: Theory, applications, and solution techniques
In this paper we introduce a new class of stochastic Petri nets in which one or more...
An inventory model with Poisson demands and emergency orders
In this paper we explicitly consider the opportunity to use an emergency supply mode...
A minimax distribution free procedure for mixed inventory model with variable lead time
In this article, both lead time and the order quantity are considered as the decision...
Joint demand fulfillment probability in a multi-item inventory system with independent order-up-to policies
We consider a multi-term inventory system with dependent item demands represented by a...
Optimal myopic policy for a stochastic inventory problem with fixed and proportional backorder costs
In this paper, we consider a single product, periodic review, stochastic demand...
Optimal continuous review policies for spare part provisioning with random lead times
The purpose of this paper is to analyze two kinds of continuous review cyclic models...
Costing partial order cycles in the temporary sale price problem
The selection of a special order quantity in response to a temporary price reduction...
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