Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
The optimal portfolio problem with coherent risk measure constraints
One of the basic problems of applied finance is the optimal selection of stocks, with...
Grey input–output analysis and its applications for environmental cost allocation
Deterministic input–output analysis has been applied to solving a variety of...
Market price calculations in restructured electricity markets
In the traditional organisation of the power market, the generation Unit Commitment...
Game optimization of gas market development
A two-person noncooperative game is studied with special payoff functions for which...
Managing electricity market price risk
This paper introduces an application of financial risk management methods to the...
An efficient linear programming algorithm for combined heat and power production
Combined heat and power (CHP) production is an increasingly important energy...
Simultaneous solution strategies for inclusion of input saturation in the optimal design of dynamically operable plants
Recent work has considered the inclusion of input saturation in optimization-based...
Evolutionary algorithm integrating stress heuristics for truss optimization
The optimal truss design using problem-oriented evolutionary algorithm is presented in...
Optimization of construction of tire reinforcement by genetic algorithm
A new tire design procedure capable of determining the optimum tire construction was...
The axiomatic basis of risk–value models
Due to their simplicity and intuitive plausibility, risk–value models have often...
The valuation of European options in uncertain environment
A new model on European options with uncertainty of both randomness and fuzziness in...
Simulation of the European Central Bank decisions and forecast of short term Euro rate with an adaptive fuzzy expert system
The elaboration of optimal monetary policy strategies, and the statistical estimation...
Personnel allocation among bank branches using a two-stage multi-criterial approach
This paper presents a normative two-stage approach for personnel allocation among...
An evolutionary heuristic for the index tracking problem
Index tracking is a popular form of passive fund management. The index tracking...
Efficiency of banks in a developing economy: The case of India
The objective of this paper is to measure the productive efficiency of banks in a...
A decision support modelling framework for multiple use forest management: The Queen Elizabeth Forest case study in Scotland
A multiple criteria interactive modelling framework has been developed to support...
A multivariate methodology to uncover regional disparities: A contribution to improve European Union and governmental decisions
The aim of this paper is to present a new methodology to classify the levels of...
The measurement of English and Welsh police force efficiency: A comparison of distance function models
Since the Labour government came to power in 1997, it has introduced a regime whereby...
On the control of a compound immigration process through total catastrophes
We consider a compound immigration process that can be controlled by the introduction...
Hospital lift system simulator: A performance evaluator–predictor
Hospitals often experience lift congestion as a result of their heavy traffic, complex...
Hospital capacity management decisions: Emphasis on cost control and quality enhancement
This paper empirically examines the effects of several key hospital demographic...
A decision support system for the care of HIV and AIDS patients in India
The spread of the HIV epidemic in India has been ferocious in recent years and if it...
Ambulance location and relocation models
This article traces the evolution of ambulance location and relocation models proposed...
Multiple lotsizing in production to order with random yields: review of recent advances
This article provides a review of models, analytical results and insights pertaining...
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