Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Solving the shortest route cut and fill problem using simulated annealing
This paper introduces the shortest route cut and fill problem (SRCFP). The SRCFP is an...
Differential approximation results for the traveling salesman problem with distances 1 and 2
We prove that both minimum and maximum traveling salesman problems on complete graphs...
Analysis of a rollout approach to sequencing problems with stochastic routing applications
The paper considers sequencing problems, the traveling salesman problem being their...
Decomposition of queueing networks with dependent service and negative customers
Queueing networks with negative customers (G-networks) and dependent service at...
A two-phase BMAP|G|1|N > PH|1|M – 1 system with blocking
The stationary probability distribution of a two-phase queueing system with a finite...
A nonparametric predictive method for queues
This paper presents a novel statistical approach to queues. Instead of studying...
Optimal control of service rates and arrivals in Jackson networks
We can represent each dynamic job shop system as a network of queues, in which each...
GI|M/M/c queue with multiple acceptances in a window
We consider a queue with arrival acceptance windows in which multiple customers can...
Price and delay competition between two service providers
In this paper we study situations in which two firms offer identical service for...
Good buy? Delaying end-of-life purchases
We study the effects of delaying an end-of-life buy. Manufacturerers sometimes are...
A probabilistic solution-generator for simulation
In a discrete-event simulation study, we are usually faced with dealing with an...
The impact of Enterprise Resource Planning on supply chain management: Exploratory findings from a European Delphi study
This article presents results from a Delphi study on the future impact of enterprise...
Small response surface designs for metamodel estimations
The primary objective of this study is to provide the novice researchers in simulation...
A multi-period optimization model for the procurement of component-based enterprise information technologies
Today, timely sharing and coordination of information across the supply chain are key...
Data envelopment analysis models for identifying critical performance measures
In performance evaluation, it is important to identify both the efficient frontier and...
Impact on demand correlation on the value of and incentives for information sharing in a supply chain
Research on information sharing partnerships between manufacturers and retailers in a...
Efficiency evaluation with strong ordinal input and output measures
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) evaluates the relative efficiency of decision making...
Effects of a demand-curve's shape on the optimal solutions of a multi-echelon inventory/pricing model
When a price–demand relationship is needed in inventory/pricing models, very...
A multivariate statistical approach to reducing the number of variables in data envelopment analysis
The usefulness of data envelopment analysis (DEA) depends on its ability to calculate...
Measuring and avoiding the bullwhip effect: A control theoretic aproach
An important contributory factor to the bullwhip effect (i.e. the variance...
Combining data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier models: An empirical Bayes approach
The paper proposes to combine stochastic frontier models with linear programming...
A committed delivery strategy with fixed frequency and quantity
We analyze a supply chain environment in which a distributor facing price-sensitive...
The concave cost supply problem
This paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, we consider the case where...
A piecewise linear programming approach to the two-group discriminant problem – an adaptation to Fisher's linear discriminant function model
Most existing linear programming (LP) models have optimization objectives that are...
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