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A fuzzy genetic algorithm for driver scheduling
Kwan Raymond S.K.
This paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm (GA) for the bi-objective public...
Some optimization problems in multivariate statistics
Rapcsk T.
Interesting and important multivariate statistical problems containing principal...
Vehicle routing problem with time windows and a limited number of vehicles
Lau Hoong Chuin
This paper introduces a variant of the vehicle routing problem with time windows where...
Multiple neutral data fitting
Tofallis Chris
A method is proposed for estimating the relationship between a number of variables;...
Minimization subproblems and heuristics for an applied clustering problem
Martnez J.M.
A practical problem that requires the classification of a set of points of ℝ n...
A framework for the constitution of modelling processes: A proposition
Eriksson D.M.
Given that the quality of models significantly affects the outcome of their...
Sensitivity analysis by experimental design and metamodelling: Case study on simulation in national animal disease control
Kleijnen Jack P.C.
Simulation is a frequently applied tool in the discipline of animal health economics....
A simulation optimization based control policy for failure prone one-machine, two-product manufacturing systems
Gharbi A.
This paper presents the optimal flow control for a one-machine, two-product...
A two-stage decision procedure for monitoring processes with low fraction nonconforming
Xie M.
Decision procedures for monitoring industrial processes can be based on application of...
A simulation and test of OptiMark's electronic matching algorithm and its simple variations for institutional block trading
Wallenius Jyrki
OptiMark, an automated crossing system that matches institutional buyers and sellers...
A decision support system for multiattribute utility evaluation based on imprecise assignments
Mateos Alfonso
This paper describes a decision support system based on an additive or multiplicative...
Estimating design effort for GE hydro projects
Thomson Vince
Effort estimation is an essential process in determining the final cost, as well as...
Multi-level redundancy optimization in series systems
Yun Won Young
Single-level systems have been considered in redundancy allocation problems. It may be...
Complexity and approximability results for slicing floorplan designs
Woeginger Gerhard J.
The first stage in hierarchical approaches to floorplan design determines certain...
Data mining for decision support on customer insolvency in telecommunications business
Dasalaki S.
This paper reports on the findings of a research project that had the objective to...
Centralization as a design consideration for the management of call centers
Adria Marco
A call center and its associated information technology (IT) provide an opportunity to...
Discount pricing decisions in distribution channels with price-sensitive demand
Wang Qinan
In this paper, we evaluate the effectiveness of quantity discounts and volume...
One-dimensional cutting stock problem to minimize the number of different patterns
Ibaraki Toshihide
As the cost associated with the change of cutting patterns become more important in...
Methodological contrasts in costing greenhouse gas abatement policies: Optimization and simulation modeling of micro-economic effects in Canada
Loulou Richard
The national process in Canada for greenhouse gas abatement selected contrasting...
A multiple criteria decision-aid approach in defining national priorities for greenhouse gases emissions reduction in the energy sector
Mirasgedis S.
The introduction of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 represents a very important step in the...
Value at risk calculation through autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic factor methodology: Proposal and comparative analysis
Semper J. David Cabedo
In this paper we put forward a new method to estimate value at risk (VaR),...
Probabilistic programming for nitrate pollution control: Comparing different probabilistic constraint approximations
Kampas Athanasios
Agricultural nitrate emissions within a river catchment are, due to rainfall and other...
The practice of Delta–Gamma Value at Risk: Implementing the quadratic portfolio model
Castellacci Giuseppe
This paper intends to critically evaluate state-of-the-art methodologies for...
A multicriteria approach to optimization of the gross domestic product
Kravtsov M.K.
A three-criteria linear model is suggested for maximization of the gross domestic...
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