Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
On effect of product variety in production–inventory systems
In this paper, we examine the effect of product variety on inventory costs in a...
A genetic algorithm with a compact solution encoding for the container ship stowage problem
The purpose of this study is to develop an efficient heuristic for solving the stowage...
Estimating customer service in a two-location continuous review inventory model with emergency transshipments
In this paper, an approximate analytical two-location inventory transshipment model is...
The finite multiple lot sizing problem with interrupted geometric yield and holding costs
We consider the multiple lot sizing problem in production systems with random process...
The production–inventory problem of a product with time varying demand, production and deterioration rates
In this paper, we consider the production–inventory problem in which the demand,...
The single-item lot-sizing problem with immediate lost sales
We introduce a profit maximization version of the well-known Wagner–Whitin model...
Randomized multi-level lot-sizing heuristics for general product structures
We consider the multi-level lot-sizing (MLLS) problem as it occurs in material...
Optimal groundwater management in deltaic regions using simulated annealing and neural networks
This study deals with the optimal management of groundwater in deltaic aquifer systems...
Incorporating environmental value and externality in project evaluation as a sustainability indicator to evaluate Bangladesh water development
A major difficulty of conventional cost benefit analysis is that it will allow...
A decision tool for allocating the waters of the Jordan River basin between all riparian parties
Shared water resources are strong sources of conflict in the Jordan River basin shared...
Uncertainty and option value in land allocation problems
In this paper we are concerned with modelling techniques for evaluating development...
Water release policy effects on the shortage characteristics for the Shihmen Reservoir system during droughts
Drought-induced shortages are inevitable because of unexpected abnormal dry weather...
How to spend and invest retirement savings
The question of post-retirement optimal consumption and investment of retirement...
Semi-absolute deviation rule for mutual funds portfolio selection
Investors consider mutual funds as an interesting investment opportunity. This is the...
Optimal control of the investment portfolio with respect to the quantile criterion
A two-step problem is considered for the optimal portfolio investment management...
Multiequilibrium game of timing and competition of gas pipeline projects
The paper addresses the issue of the optimal investments in innovations with strong...
An efficient genetic algorithm for the p-median problem
We propose a new genetic algorithm for a well-known facility location problem. The...
An improved branch & bound method for the uncapacitated competitive location problem
In this paper, the problem of locating new facilities in a competitive environment is...
A probabilistic minimax location problem on the plane
In this paper we consider the weighted minimax (1-center) location problem in the...
Properties of three-dimensional median line location models
We consider the problem of locating a line with respect to some existing facilities in...
Location among regions with varying norms
This paper investigates a new variation in the continuous single facility location...
COBRA: a new formulation of the classic p-median location problem
The p -median problem was first formulated as an integer-linear programming problem by...
A new chance-constrained maximum capture location problem
The paper presents a new model on the basic Maximum Capture model, MAXCAP. The new...
A Langrangean heuristic for a modular capacitated location problem
This paper considers the Modular Capacitated Location Problem (MCLP) which consists of...
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