Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Algorithms of ant system and simulated annealing for the p-median problem
Consideration was given to the p -median problem for minimum in the integer...
Multiobjective fuzzy linear programming problems with fuzzy decision variables
In this paper, a multiobjective decision-making process is modeled by a multiobjective...
Environmentally Responsible Manufacturing: The development and validation of a measurement model
The concept of Environmentally Responsible Manufacturing (ERM) is relatively new and...
The impact of strategy and integration mechanisms on enterprise system value: Empirical evidence from manufacturing firms
This paper “conceptualizes the fit” of enterprise resource planning...
Enterprise resource planning survey of Swedish manufacturing firms
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are the new type of information systems for...
Optimal new product positioning: A genetic algorithm approach
Identifying an optimal position strategy for new products is a critical and difficult...
Explaining consumer choice through neural networks: The stacked generalization approach
This paper uses neural network models and the ensemble techniques of stacked...
SINGRAR – A fuzzy distributed expert system to assist command and control activities in naval environment
SINGRAR is a fuzzy expert system (ES) under development by the Portuguese Navy to...
Flight test data cycle map optimisation
Flight testing of aircraft, in which new design concepts, problems, and deficiencies...
Bayesian inference for some Lanchester combat laws
In this paper, we illustrate Bayesian statistical inference for some simple stochastic...
Manager to go? Performance dips reconsidered with evidence from Dutch football
This paper examines whether the forced resignation of managers of Dutch football teams...
Persistence in sequences of football match results: A Monte Carlo analysis
An empirical investigation of persistence in sequences of consecutive match results in...
Forecasting the winner of a tennis match
We propose a method to forecast the winner of a tennis match, not only at the...
A simulation model for football championships
In this paper we discuss a simulation/probability model that identifies the team that...
Team formation: Matching quality supply and quality demand
One of the problems in sports and human resources management is the scouting or...
Endurance in speed skating: The development of world records
We analyse the development of world records speed skating from 1893 to 2000 for both...
Scheduling sports competitions on multiple venues
The scheduling of sports competitions has recently been receiving a greal deal of...
Olympic ranking based on a zero sum gains Data Envelopment Analysis model
It is usual to rank the participant countries in the Olympic Games in accordance with...
A robust heuristic for batting order optimization under uncertainty
Baseball teams are faced with a difficult scheduling problem every day: given a set of...
Air traffic knowledge management policy
A new air traffic knwoledge management system is vitally important for the safety and...
Global optimization approaches to an aircraft routing problem
We describe a global optimization which arises in the calculation of flight paths and...
The multiple objective time transportation problem with additional restrictions
This paper deals with Multiple Objective Time Transportation Problem with Additional...
A probabilistic (max, +) approach for determining railway infrastructure capacity
We consider the problem of determining the capacity of a planned railway...
Transshipment of containers at a container terminal: An overview
At container terminals, containers are transshipped from one mode of transportation to...
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