Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
A function-decomposition method for development of hierarchical multi-attribute decision models
Function decomposition is a recent machine learning method that develops a...
Model selection for medical diagnosis decision support systems
In this paper, we examine the model section decision for a medical diagnostic decision...
Collective memory support and cognitive-conflict group decision-making: an experimental investigation
Collective memory is an active research area and researchers have focused on several...
Evaluation of unidirectional lateral transshipments and substitutions in inventory systems
One interpretation of the model considered in this paper is a single-echelon inventory...
A methodology for designing form-based decision support systems
Form-based decision support systems (FBDSS) are special types of information systems...
Evaluating jointly constrained order quantity complexities for incremental discounts
In this paper we consider the purchasing decisions facing a buying firm which receives...
Fuzzy inventory with backorder for fuzzy order quantity and fuzzy shortage quantity
In the problem of inventory with backorder, the total cost is F(q,s) (in Section 2,...
Models for a fuzzy inventory of two replaceable merchandises without backorder based on the signed distance of fuzzy sets
This paper investigates the inventory problems for two mutually complementary...
Upper bounds and algorithms for the maximum cardinality bin packing problem
In the maximum cardinality bin packing problem, we are given m bins of capacity c and...
Parametric on-line algorithms for packing rectangles and boxes
We present approximation algorithms for the following problems: the two-dimensional...
Recovering beam search: enhancing the beam search approach for combinatorial optimization problems
A hybrid heuristic method for combinatorial optimization problems is proposed that...
Managing multi-customer service level requirements with a simple rationing policy
We consider the problem of managing multi-customer service level requirements when...
Optimal replenishment for a periodic review inventory system with two supply modes
In this paper, we study periodic inventory systems with long review periods. We...
On the two-dimensional Knapsack problem
We address the two-dimensional Knapsack Problem (2KP), aimed at packing a...
Approximate solutions for a stochastic lot-sizing problem with partial customer-order information
We address a stochastic single product manufacturing system in a make-to-stock...
Offsetting inventory cycles of items sharing storage
The ability to determine the optimal frequencies and offsets for independent and...
A hybrid multicommodity routing algorithm for traffic engineering
Traffic engineering seeks to route traffic demands in data networks to guarantee...
On optimal inventory control with independent stochastic item returns
To a growing extent companies take recovery of used products into account in their...
Return handling options and order quantities for single period products
Products which are sold through E-commerce or mail sales catalogues tend to have a...
Optimal process control policies under a time-varying cost structure
Quality experts have recognized two types of quality costs resulting from failure of...
Periodic review, push inventory policies for remanufacturing
Sustainability has become a major issue in most economies, causing many leading...
Multi-stage newsboy problem: A dynamic model
The newsboy problem is a well-known operations research model. Its various extensions...
Hybrid algorithm for scheduling with regard for reinvestment of profits
Scheduling of the interrelated jobs of an investment project was considered. The...
Model calibration as a testing strategy for system dynamics models
System dynamics models are becoming increasingly common in the analysis of policy and...
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