Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
An extension of the τ-value to games with coalition structures
We introduce the coalitional τ-value, which is an extension of the τ-value for...
Noninferior Nash strategies for multi-team systems
This paper is concerned with the optimization of systems that are controlled by...
The robust coloring problem
Some problems can be modeled as graph coloring ones for which the criterion of...
A memetic algorithm for minimum-cost vertex-biconnectivity augmentation of graphs
This paper considers the problem of augmenting a given graph by a cheapest possible...
Optimization of thin quad flat pack molding process using neuro-fuzzy–Genetic algorithms approach
This paper focuses on an integrated optimization problem that involves multiple...
Lumpable continuous-time stochastic automata networks
The generator matrix of a continuous-time stochastic automata network (SAN) is a sum...
A new structural mechanism for reducibility of stochastic PERT networks
In recent years, many techniques were developed to compute completion time...
Path comparisons for a priori and time-adaptive decisions in stochastic, time-varying networks
Travel times in congested transportation networks are time-varying quantities that can...
Asynchronous transfer mode networks with parallel links and multiple service classes
In this paper the flow assignment problem in the case of a fiber optic based...
A guided local search heuristic for the capacitated arc routing problem
This paper presents a new local search algorithm for the capacitated arc routing...
Generalized network design problems
Network design problems (NDP) consist of identifying an optimal subgraph of a graph,...
New formulations and solution procedures for the hop constrained network design problem
Optical fiber provides tremendous advantages in being able to carry a wide range of...
Minimal path broadcast networks
Broadcasting is the communication process whereby a message that is initially known by...
An exact algorithm for the min-cost network containment problem
A network design problem which arises in the distribution of a public utility provided...
A heuristic for the continuous capacity and flow assignment
This work deals with the Continuous Capacity and Flow Assignment (CFA) problem for the...
Uncapacitated point-to-multipoint network flow problem and its application to multicasting in telecommunication networks
This paper introduces an uncapacitated point-to-multipoint network flow problem where...
An incremental procedure for improving path assignment in a telecommunications network
A fundamental problem in the design and management of a telecommunications network is...
A comparison of heuristics for the discrete cost multicommodity network optimization problem
In this paper, approximate solutions algorithms for discrete cost multicommodity...
A network improvement problem under different norms
In this paper, we first consider a network improvement problem, called...
An approximation algorithm for computing longest paths
We show that the color-coding method of Alon et al ., in its version specialized to...
The generalized minimum spanning tree problem: Polyhedral analysis and branch-and-cut algorithm
This article presents a branch-and-cut algorithm for the Generalized Minimum Spanning...
The rectangular packing problem: local optimum search methods based on block structures
Orthogonal packing of rectangles in a semi-infinite strip and its representation by...
Some fixed-point results for the dynamic assignment problem
In previous work the authors consider the dynamic assignment problem, which involves...
Dynamic capacity acquisition and assignment under uncertainty
Given a set of m resources and n tasks, the dynamic capacity acquisition and...
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