Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
An optimal timing model of water reallocation and reservoir construction
Growth of the users base often reduces the efficiency of existing water allocation...
An objective multi-criteria evaluation of water management scenarios
Advanced computer models are commonly used to simulate reservoir system's performance....
Algorithms for the variable sized bin packing problem
In this paper, we consider the variable sized bin packing problem where the objective...
Differential approximation for optimal satisfiability and related problems
We study the differential approximability of several optimization satisfiability...
Solving biobjective combinatorial max-ordering problems by ranking methods and a two-phases approach
In this paper we propose a new method to solve biobjective combinatorial optimization...
The Steiner cycle polytope
This article introduces a new problem called Steiner cycle problem (SCP), closely...
Ordinal criteria in stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis
We suggest a method for providing descriptive information about the acceptability of...
Violations of conjoint independence in binary choices: The equate-to-differentiate intepretation
The studies described in the present paper extend the author's earlier work on testing...
Decision-making with the analytic hierarchy process: Why is the principal eigenvector necessary?
In this paper it is shown that the principal eigenvector is a necessary representation...
Multiplicative priority rating methods for the analytic hierarchy process
Recently several alternative variants to the original Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)...
A fuzzy multiple objective decision support model for energy-economy planning
In this paper an interactive approach to deal with fuzzy multiple objective linear...
Fuzzy multi-attribute decision making: An outranking method
Multi-attribute decision making forms an important part of the decision process for...
Testing the efficiency of two pairwise comparison methods in discrete multiple criteria problems
In so-called pairwise comparison methods, the decision-maker (DM) makes holistic...
Towards reconciling outranking and value measurement practice
The variety of approaches and methods within the broad field of multiple criteria...
A new method for group decision support based on ELECTRE III methodology
Group decision is usually understood as the reduction of different individual...
Blockmodels with maximum concentration
There are many circumstances in which binary relations are defined between pairs of...
The fuzzy estimators of fuzzy parameters based on fuzzy random variables
The concept for fuzzy estimators of fuzzy parameters in fuzzy random variables is...
Least-squares estimates in fuzzy regression analysis
Regression is a very powerful methodology for forecasting, which is considered as an...
Effects of multiple arbitrators on final-offer arbitration settlements
We examine final-offer arbitration in the case where there is more than one...
Raid games across a set with cyclic order
In this paper we shall deal with two-person zero-sum games where the strategies of the...
On the nucleolus of neighbor games
Assignment problems are well-known problems in practice. We mention house markets, job...
On the relation between Nash bargaining solution and the weighting method
A set of n -person convex bargaining problems is considered where the feasible payoff...
New-invexity type conditions with applications to constrained dynamic games
Weaker invexity type properties are presented in the continuous case, and are then...
The structure of the set of equilibria for two person multicriteria games
In this paper the structure of the set of equilibria for two person multicriteria...
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