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How likely is it that a run of poor outcomes is unlikely?
Gallivan Steve
Clinical audit of surgical outcomes often involves examination of the number of poor...
The evaluation of disease prevention and treatment using simulation models
Davies Ruth
Health policy models provide measures of the effectiveness and costs of complex health...
Priorities and allocation of health care resources in developing countries: A case-study from the Mtwara region, Tanzania
Flessa Steffen
Models of health economics usually maximise the sum of individual health. However, as...
A systems modelling approach for the prevention and treatment of diabetic retinopathy
Senna V. de
Diabetic patients may suffer from a number of long-term complications. One such...
Estimating bed requirements for an intermediate care facility
Gallivan Steve
Concern has been expressed in the United Kingdom regarding the proportion of beds...
Integrating simulation and optimisation in health care centre management
Felici Giovanni
In this paper we address an important design and management problem in a health care...
Optimal grouping for a nuclear magnetic resonance scanner by means of an open queueing model
Vandaele Nico
In this paper we analyze how a nuclear magnetic resonance scanner can be managed more...
Yield information and supplier responsiveness in remanufacturing operations
Ferrer Geraldo
When making used product disassembly and procurement decisions, managers of...
A simulated annealing approach for manufacturing cell formation with multiple identical machines
Vilarinho Pedro M.
One of the crucial steps in the design of a cellular manufacturing system is the cell...
Retail promotions with negative brand image effects: Is cooperation possible?
Jrgensen Steffen
We consider a channel of distribution with a single manufacturer M and a retailer R ....
Product line selection and pricing under a share-of-surplus choice model
Yano Candace Arai
Product line selection and pricing decisions are critical to the profitability of many...
A model and solution method for multi-period sales promotion design
Nair Suresh K.
This research addresses the optimal design of a series of promotions (which might...
Solving spread spectrum radar polyphase code design problem by tabu search and variable neighbourhood search
Mladenovi N.
A basic variable neighbourhood search (VNS) heuristic is applied for the first time to...
A method for choosing from among alternative transportation projects
Ferrari Paolo
Choosing from among alternative transportation projects can be studied as a...
Formulation of confidence intervals for estimated actual distances
Love Robert F.
We devise a new method to calculate the confidence intervals for estimated actual...
Financial transmission rights in convex pool markets
Pritchard Geoffrey
This paper studies financial transmission rights in electricity pool markets with...
Data mining with genetic algorithms on binary trees
Janssens Gerrit K.
This paper focuses on the automatic interaction detection (AID)-technique, which...
A mixed integer formulation for multiple-route transit network design
Lo Hong K.
We consider the design of multiple transit lines in a network and present a mixed...
A multi-class dynamic user equilibrium model for queuing networks with advanced traveler information systems
Huang Hai-Jun
This paper presents a formulation and solution algorithm for a composite dynamic...
Operationalizing technology improvements in product development decision-making
Mahajan Vijay
Achieving competitive advantage and price premiums in many technology-based markets...
A lane-based optimization method for minimizing delay at isolated signal-controlled junctions
Wong S.C.
The paper presents a lane-based optimization method for minimizing delay at isolated...
Model and algorithm of an inventory problem with the consideration of transportation cost
Wang Shou-Yang
In this paper, we address the problem of deciding the optimal ordering quantity and...
Operator-scheduling using a constraint satisfaction technique in port container terminals
Hwang Hark
In port container terminals, the efficient scheduling of operators of handling...
A cost–benefit evaluation server for decision support in e-business
Liu Youzhong
Business organizations are often faced with decision situations in which the costs and...
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