Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Variable neighbourhood search
Systematic change of neighbourhood within a local search algorithm yields a simple and...
Life cycle costing – theory, information acquisition and application
Especially in the last two decades of an increasingly competitive business...
A generalized activity network model
In recent years activity networks for projects with both random and deterministic...
An optimal algorithm for closest-pair maintenance
Given a set S of n points in k -dimensional space, and an L t metric, the dynamic...
Mathematics on the domestic front: Tyres and lightbulbs – is it worth paying more?
In this paper the author examines the expected cost of operating a car with different...
Formulation assistance for global optimization problems
Most global optimization systems provide little output beyond an estimated optimum...
Guidelines for corrective replacement based on low stochastic structure assumptions
This paper presents corrective replacement decisions, e.g. for machines in a...
Analysing event data from a repairable machine subject to imperfect preventive maintenance
A machine is minimally repaired on failure and imperfect preventive maintenance (PM)...
A full history proportional hazards model for preventive maintenance scheduling
This paper is concerned with the development of a realistic preventive maintenance...
Dynamic influences in multi-component maintenance
Most maintenance-optimisation models assume an infinite planning horizon and suppose...
A modelling procedure to optimize component safety inspection over a finite time horizon
In this paper a model of a safety inspection process is proposed for the expected...
A systematic approach to determine the optimal maintenance policy for an automated manufacturing system
We propose a systematic approach to determine the optimal maintenance policy for an...
Renewal-type equations for a general repair process
We consider a component which undergoes instantaneous general repairs on failure....
A morph-based simulated annealing heuristic for a modified bin-packing problem
This paper presents a local-search heuristic, based on the simulated annealing (SA)...
A new algorithm for the assignment problem: An alternative to the Hungarian method
This paper presents a new algorithm for the well-studied assignment problem. Our...
Integer programming and pricing revisited
Three applications of duality are mentioned: mathematical, computational, and...
The use of linear programming duality in mixed integer programming
This paper is about the primal–dual relationship in a mixed integer programming...
The duality gap in trim problems: Not yet solved
The duality-gap problem is to find the largest duality gap for a classic normalized...
Weighted Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition for linear mixed-inter programming
Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition can be used to solve the Lagrangian dual of a linear...
A station model for continuous materials flow production systems
This study develops a station model for continuous flow production systems. The most...
A fuzzy linguistic approach to data quantification and construction of distance measures for the part family formation problem
Most of the techniques related to part family formation require precise numerical data...
Adaptive pull-type production control using Kalman filters
The purpose of this research was to design a closed-loop process control methodology...
A decomposition model for continuous materials flow production systems
This study presents a general and flexible decomposition method for continuous...
An objective-guided ortho-synapse Hopfield network approach to machine grouping problems
This paper reports an ortho-synapse Hopfield network (OSHN) for solving machine...
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