Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Optimal control of sprinklers in compartment fires
There is no doubt that increased application of sprinkler protection through a...
The identification of inference rules from fuzzy data: The application of a quantitative model of perception
In many fields involving expert or nonexpert decision-making, it is desirable to have...
Genetic algorithms applied to computationally difficult set covering problems
The set covering problem is a known NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problem for...
Semi-variable delivery routes and the efficiency of outbound logistics
Maintaining efficiency in despatching goods from a depot to geographically dispersed...
The vertex splitting algorithm for facilities layout
The graph theoretic facility layout problem (GTFLP) seeks the best spatial arrangement...
An introduction to decision theory and prescriptive decision analysis
In his book Fundamentals of decision theory , written in the early 1970s, Doug White...
The effects of anchoring in interactive multiple criteria decision making solution methods
In this paper we describe an experiment that examines the effects of the anchoring and...
An improved interactive hybrid method for the linear multi-objective knapsack problem
In many situations, the knapsack problem in the presence of multiple, conflicting...
A multiple-criteria decision model with ranked inputs
A model for multiple-criteria decision analysis is proposed where the input data...
Optimizing monitoring time in a continuous-review cyclic inventory system
This paper discusses a mathematical model for controlling a monitoring time by a...
Optimal storage locations in a carousel storage and retrieval system
This paper examines the problem of optimal product location in a single bi-directional...
A model for the capacitated p-facility location problem in global environments
This paper extends the capacitated facility location problem to include (i) a limit on...
On Torricelli’s geometrical solution to a problem of Fermat
Around 1640, Torricelli devised a geometrical solution to a problem, allegedly first...
Error-bound driven demand point aggregation for the rectilinear distance p-center model
We present an algorithm for aggregating demand points for the rectilinear distance p...
A pure strategy Nash equilibrium for a 3-firm location game on a sphere
There are only two known pure strategy Nash equilibria for multi-firm location games...
Closest assignment constraints and location models: Properties and structure
Formulations of location–allocation models must address the assignment of demand...
Can models fitted to small data samples lead to maintenance policies with near-optimum cost?
In a general context of maintenance modelling, the excess cost of operating at the...
Warranty costs for repairable products under hybrid warranty
In this paper, a comprehensive set of equations is proposed for the calculation of the...
The maintenance and availability of unidirectionally patrolled stations
This paper models the problem of the maintenance of N identical stations looked after...
On the application of a capital replacement model for a mixed fleet
A replacement model is described for a fleet which is inhomogeneous, comprising a...
Sensitivity analyses for preventive-maintenance models
Models for determining preventive-maintenance strategies usually make assumptions of...
Modelling maintenance practice of production plant using the delay-time concept
In this paper, we present a study carried out for a copper products manufacturing...
Modelling preventive maintenance for deteriorating repairable systems
This paper is concerned with practical methods for the analysis and modelling of data...
Solution procedure for a repair-limit problem using the total time on test (TTT) concept
We address the problem of controlling the repair-time limit of a one-unit repairable...
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