Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Selection of vehicle routing heuristic using neural networks
Due to its combinatorial structure, the vehicle routing problem has been attacked by...
Some selected topics in experimental economics
This paper presents a new tendency and method of analysis in Operations Research and...
On the usability of quantitative modelling in operations strategy decision making
Quantitative modelling seems admirably suited to help managers in their strategic...
Damage to bicycle helmets involved with crashes
The objective was to evaluate the relationship between helmet damage and head injuries...
Occupational safety and health inspection scores predict rates of workers' lost-time injuries
This study examined statistical relationships between safety inspection scores and...
Older drivers and risk to other road users
This paper examines the degree to which older drivers impose an ‘excess’...
An investigation into the relationships between area social characteristics and road accident casualties
This paper reports on the analysis of a data base created by merging road casualty...
Motor vehicle fatalities in the United States construction industry
A death certificate-based surveillance system was used to identify 2144 work-related...
Safety climate and attitude as evaluation measures of organizational safety
The main aim of this research is to develop a set of evaluation measures for safety...
Alcoholism at the time of injury among trauma center patients: Vehicular crash victims compared with other patients
A structured in-depth interview employing standardized criteria was used to determine...
Paediatric slow-speed non-traffic fatalities: Victoria, Australia, 1985–1995
An important group of fatal incidents are slow-speed pedestrian non-traffic incidents...
Safety knowledge of users and non-users of the lap belt on two-point motorized belt systems
A field study of 1146 drivers and passengers of vehicles equipped with motorized...
Fatal crashes of passenger vehicles before and after adding antilock braking systems
Fatal crash rates of passenger cars and vans were compared for the last model year...
Effects of incentive programs to stimulate safety belt use: A meta-analysis
The effects of campaigns using tangible incentives (rewards) to promote safety belt...
The overbooking problem in hotels with multiple tour-operators
Examines the practice of overbooking at hotel and tour operator levels. By accepting...
Driver age and traffic citations resulting from motor vehicle collisions
This paper is an initial effort to examine whether driver age is related to the...
Crash reductions related to traffic signal removal in Philadelphia
The effect on intersection crashes of converting one-way street intersections in...
Serious brain injury from traffic-related causes: Priorities for primary prevention
This study evaluated the incidence and outcome of serious brain injury from...
Crash characteristics and injuries of victims impaired by alcohol versus illicit drugs
Alcohol has long been associated with injury, but the relationship between other drugs...
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