Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Modeling accident frequencies as zero-altered probability processes: An empirical inquiry
This paper presents an empirical inquiry into the applicability of zero-altered...
Differences in traffic judgements between young and old adult pedestrians
Older pedestrians have been shown to be over-involved in casualty crashes, compared to...
Sensation seeking and risky driving: A review and synthesis of the literature
The relationship between sensation seeking and risky behaviour has been observed since...
The greatest new development in traffic engineering since the traffic signal?
A triple conflict between traffic streams – for instance, an appreciable...
Privatization as choice probability, policy process and program outcome: The case of transportation management associations
Privatization of travel demand management products and services in urban and suburban...
Systematic self-selection and sample weight creation in panel surveys: The Puget Sound Transportation Panel case
The Puget Sound Transportation Panel (PSTP) is a survey that contains sampling stages...
Developing models of decision making
Studies that focus on the decision making process can be classified in (at least) two...
Braess paradox: Maximum penalty in a Minimal Critical Network
A ‘simplest anti-symmetric’ two-path network is described which exhibits...
Spatial transferability of an ordered response model of trip generation
This paper documents analysis of the spatial transferability of an ordered response...
Dynamic expansion and location of an airport: A multiple objective approach
In this paper we propose a dynamic, multi-objective, mixed integer programming model...
Toward a class of link travel time functions for dynamic assignment models on signalized networks
This paper investigates time-dependent travel time functions for dynamic assignment on...
Capacity constraints in urban transport networks
This paper deals with the equilibrium problem of asymmetric transport networks with...
Traffic restraint, road pricing and network equilibrium
Road pricing is now being advocated as an efficient means of managing traffic demand...
Curbing the computational difficulty of the logit equilibrium assignment model
In the past, research in traffic assignment modeling has been directed primarily...
Minimization of logistic costs with given frequencies
We study the problem of shipping products from one origin to several destinations,...
A fuel distribution knowledge-based decision support system
This paper reports the experience of solving the distribution problem for the biggest...
A probit-based stochastic user equilibrium assignment model
Stochastic methods of traffic assignment have received much less attention in the...
On the efficient location of pumping facilities in an aquifer system
In this paper, the authors present a multiple objective model that explicitly...
Integration of games and hypergames generated from a class of games
We propose a method to integrate many games into one in order to analyse effectively a...
A comparative analysis of inventory costs of JIT and EOQ purchasing
Presents a mathematical model to assist companies in their decision to switch from the...
Maximal closure on a graph with resource constraints
This article formulates the problem of maximal closure on a graph with resource...
Arc crossing minimization in hierarchical digraphs with tabu search
Graphs are used commonly as a basic modeling tool in areas such as project management,...
Heuristic and reduction algorithms for the knapsack sharing problem
The knapsack sharing problem (KSP) is newly formulated as an extension of the knapsack...
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