Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Kitting in multi-echelon, multi-product assembly systems with parts substitutable
The kitting problem in multi-echelon, multi-product assembly systems with parts...
Kantorovich's hidden duality
A demonstration is given that the ‘resolving multipliers’ used by...
Design of a rule-based flexible manufacturing system controller using modified IDEF0 methodology
This article proposes a new method to design a rule-based FMS controller. This...
A robust design methodology for Kanban System design
Many companies are interested in implementing just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing...
Dependence of bilevel mathematical programs on irrelevant constraints
For standard, single-level mathematical programs, any optimal solution remains optimal...
A bookkeeping strategy for multiple objective linear programs
This paper discusses bookkeeping strategies for solving large multiple objective...
A heuristic approach to a weighted maxmin dispersion problem
In this paper, the nonconvex form of the weighted maxmin dispersion problem is...
Maxima of sojourn times in acyclic Jackson queueing networks
This article considers the asymptotic behaviour of the maximum of a sequence of...
A note on varying the number of states in the arrival process of MR/GI/1 queue
A single server queue with an autocorrelated arrival process is considered. A specific...
Systematic searches for good multiple recursive random number generators
This paper proposes two systematic ways to search for good MRGs, in terms of the...
Adaptive queueing: A study using dynamic structure DEVS
Conventional modeling methodologies only give support for the representation of model...
Duality in data envelopment analysis under constant returns to scale
This paper explores duality in models of data envelopment analysis (DEA) for assessing...
A note on the additive data envelopment analysis model
This paper considers the objective function of the Additive (Pareto-Koopmans) Data...
Sequential sampling with costly analysis – an application of dynamic programming
We investigate a sequential-sampling problem in which there is a cost of analysis in...
Graphical techniques for selecting explanatory variables for time series data
Bayesian model building techniques are developed for data with a strong time series...
Forecasting with the maximum of correlated components having bivariate  t-distributed errors
The value of the maximum of two forecasts as a component in a linear combination...
D.J. White – a celebration
This paper contains several personal tributes to Professor D.J. White on his 60th...
Integrative systems methodology: Heuristic for requisite variety
The author introduces a new methodological framework for dealing with complex issues,...
Wanted: Dead OR alive – ways of using problem-structuring methods in community OR
Problem structuring has often been seen as providing an appropriate framework for...
Success and survival of operational research groups – a review
Operational Research groups were established in private and public sector...
Death of an OR group
As part of a major investigation into the success and survival of OR groups in the UK,...
Exploiting airline reservation technologies to improve Navy training management
The US Navy trains hundreds of thousands of students every year. For Navy training,...
Performance analysis of a client–server system using queueing networks: A case study
Queueing networks have been widely used to evaluate performance of mainframe computer...
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