Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Aspiration/reservation-based decision support – a step beyond goal programming
Real-life decision problems are usually so complex that they cannot be modelled with a...
Solution for the constrained guillotine cutting problem by simulated annealing
Since the Simulated Annealing method was identified as a useful tool for solving...
Preference structure modelling for multi-objective decision making: A goal-programming approach
We propose a new approach for modelling preference structures in multi-objective...
A dual projective simplex method for linear programming
The method proposed in this paper is a dual version of the projective simplex method,...
Multiobjective linear programming with context-dependent preferences
Multiobjective linear programming algorithms are typically based on value...
Cone contraction method with visual interaction for multiple-objective non-linear programs
We describe an interactive procedure, implemented on a PC, for solving...
A multiobjective diet planning support system using the satisficing trade-off method
This paper shows that the satisficing trade-off method (STOM), one of the interactive...
Reconsidering the effects of seat belt laws and their enforcement status
The debate over the benefits of mandatory seat belt laws and their enforcement status...
Impact from changes in Illinois drivers license renewal requirements for older drivers
In late 1989, Illinois revised the length of license term and renewal requirements for...
The assured clear distance ahead rule: Implications for nighttime traffic safety and the law
The assured clear distance ahead (ACDA) rule holds the operator of a motor vehicle...
Lowering the legal blood alcohol level for motorcyclists
The blood alcohol concentrations (BAC) of all operators involved in motorcycle...
Modelling for the control of a complex radar system
The problem of effectively controlling a new breed of complex radar system is...
The travelling salesman problem: New solvable cases and linkages with the development of approximation algorithms
We identify new solvable cases of the travelling salesman problem (TSP) by an indirect...
A time-based formulation and upper bounding scheme for the selective travelling salesperson problem
The selective travelling salesperson problem involves determining a tour of maximal...
Ottawa–Carleton commuter cyclist on- and off-road incident rates
This analysis overcomes the known limitations of police and emergency room bicycle...
A study of Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance's out-of-service criteria
This paper summarizes a two-phase project that reviewed the Commercial Vehicle Safety...
The effect of resurfacing on friction, speeds and safety on main roads in Finland
This study aimed at examining how resurfacing and the first winter period after...
Are road safety evaluation studies published in peer reviewed journals more valid than similar studies not published in peer reviewed journals?
The peer review system of scientific journals is commonly assumed to prevent seriously...
A model for medium-term operations planning in an intermodal rail–truck service
This paper describes a model developed for medium-term operations planning in an...
An uplifting experience – simulating the effect of new uplift facilities at the Cairngorm Ski Centre
A funicular railway is to be built to replace the main chairlift at Cairngorm and it...
Determining rates of change in data envelopment analysis
This paper presents a general method for determining rates of change of outputs with...
Fast parallel algorithms for forecasting
This paper presents two parallel algorithms for forecasting implemented on a linear...
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