Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Bivariate relations in nearly stationary highway traffic
This paper demonstrates that reproducible bivariate relations exist among traffic...
The real-time deadheading problem in transit operations control
In high frequency transit operations, randomness and incidents often result in highly...
Some remarks on Stochastic User Equilibrium
The behavioural foundation of Stochastic User Equilibrium is that each traveller...
Optimal traffic counting locations for origin–destination matrix estimation
There has been substantial interest in development and application of methodology for...
Using decomposition in large-scale highway network design with a Quasi-Optimization heuristic
The highway network design problem deals with the selection of links from a base...
A generalised stability criterion for motorway traffic
A common scenario on the motorway is that traffic that appears to be moving smoothly...
Freeway ramp metering using artificial neural networks
This paper proposes a nonlinear approach for designing local traffic-responsive ramp...
An urban traffic flow model integrating neural networks
Over the past few years, artificial intelligence techniques have played important...
Development and evaluation of neural network freeway incident detection models using field data
This paper discusses a multi-layer feedforward (MLF) neural network incident detection...
Impacts of commuting efficiency on congestion and emissions: Case of the Hamilton CMA, Canada
This study uses IMULATE (Integrated Model of Urban LAnd use, Transportation, energy...
A block queueing system for slow moving traffic
A common cause of pollution and waste in urban areas is facilities which provide a...
Developing a Taipei motorcycle driving cycle for emissions and fuel economy
The purposes of this study are to develop a representative driving cycle for...
The role of electric cars in Amsterdam's transport system in the year 2015: A scenario approach
Electric cars may contribute significantly to a reduction in external costs of urban...
Negative effects of mid-block speed control devices and their importance in the overall impact of traffic calming on the environment
The purpose of this study is to investigate previously unknown effects of speed...
Fuzzy comprehensive assessment, fuzzy clustering analysis and its application for urban traffic environment quality evaluation
This paper considers traffic environment quality assessment methods in the context of...
Selecting the best periodic inventory control and demand forecasting methods for low demand items
The ( s , S ) form of the periodic review inventory control system has been claimed...
Metamodels for estimating waterway delays through series of queues
A numerical method has been developed for estimating delays on congested waterways....
Coupling Genetic Algorithm with a grid search method to solve Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming problems
A new hybrid algorithm is being introduced for solving Mixed Integer Nonlinear...
Uncertainty reasoning based on cloud models in controllers
The methodology of fuzzy reasoning has been shown to be very useful technology for...
A graphical modeling system: Applications in organizational model management
This technical note presents a broad overview of a graphical modeling system referred...
Decision support systems applications – a bibliography (1988–1994)
This article provides a comprehensive bibliography of decision support systems (DSS)...
A genetic algorithm-based heuristic for solving the weighted maximum independent set and some equivalent problems
In this paper we present a genetic algorithm-based heuristic especially for the...
A maxmin location problem with nonconvex feasible region
The problem dealt with consists of locating a point in a given convex polyhedron which...
Tabu search for large location–allocation problems
Recently it has been demonstrated that the use of simulated annealing is a good...
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