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Found 17295 papers in total
A perspective on location science
A perspective on location science written following the author's receipt of the...
The qualitative structure of a class of infinite horizon optimal control problems
Many papers in economics have been written using optimal control theory with what...
On cent-dians of general networks
Most classical location studies focus on the minimisation of the average distance or...
A collocation-type method for linear quadratic optimal control problems
This communication presents a spectral method for solving time-varying linear...
Degree of locational freedom in a single facility Euclidean minimax location model
The facility location model discussed here is a single-facility, unweighted, minimax...
Fractional location problems
In this paper we analyze some variants of the classical uncapacitated facility...
Multiattribute signed orders
A self-reflecting signed order is a preference relation that compares relative likes...
Providing an analytic structure for key system design choices
The design of a system, especially a system architecture, requires the balancing of...
Lexicographic aggregation of semiorders
It is well known that the lexicographic aggregation of complete preorders gives a...
Modelling ship operational reliability over a mission under regular inspections
A ship is required to operate for a fixed mission period. Should a critical item of...
An information–expectation framework for decisions under uncertainty
Despite being in existence for many decades, normative decision theory has not become...
Dynamic multi-criteria decision making
Most medium- and long-term decision making in industry and government can be viewed as...
Transforming continuous utility into additive utility using Kolmogorov's theorem
For a multidimensional criteria space to have an additive utility function, the strong...
Integrated support from problem structuring through to alternative evaluation using COPE and V·I·S·A
Work in the field of multiple criteria analysis has generally focused on evaluation...
A field experiment comparing anchored and unanchored criteria weights in the Analytic Hierarchy Process
This study reports the results of a field experiment comparing the predictive validity...
Power relations and group aggregation in the Multiplicative AHP and SMART
The relative power of the members in a group of decision makers can be incorporated in...
Locating a waste treatment facility by multicriteria analysis
We describe an application of multicriteria decision aid to the location of a waste...
A knowledge-based model of context-dependent attribute preferences for fast moving consumer goods
Modelling techniques with integrate statistical and knowledge-based methods are shown...
A three-dimensional pallet loading method for single-size boxes
The problem of finding an optimal loading layout for packing identical boxes onto a...
Differences in independence of irrelevant alternatives at individual vs aggregate levels, and at single pair vs full choice set
The concept of ‘independence of irrelevant alternatives’ (IIA) was...
Using mixed integer programming to design employee rosters
This paper describes the problem of rostering a workforce so as to optimise a weighted...
Dynamic models of production with multiple operations and general processing times
Traditional integer programming model formulations for job-shops and flow-shops do not...
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