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Found 17295 papers in total
Labour scheduling at an airport refuelling installation
We have developed an automatic assignment procedure for labour scheduling at a...
Analysis of a production–inventory system with machine breakdowns and shutdowns
This paper deals with a production–inventory system which consists of an...
Optimal buffer storage allocation in balanced reliable production lines
This work deals with the buffer allocation problem in balanced production lines. The...
Agile manufacturing and management of variability
In this study, the relationship between agile manufacturing and management of...
A heuristic algorithm for a production planning problem in an assembly system
This paper focuses on a production planning problem in an assembly system operating on...
JIT scheduling rules: A simulation evaluation
Just-In-Time (JIT) production systems capitalize on simplicity and the ability of...
A multi-criterion approach for Kanban allocations
In this paper, a single-item, multi-stage, serial production system is considered....
A boundary crossing probability for the Bessel process
Analytic approximations are derived for the distribution of the first crossing time of...
A quick sufficient solution to the more-for-less paradox in the transportation problem
In a transportation problem, is it possible to find a solution with less (or equal)...
Asymptotic properties of nearly unstable multivariate autoregressive processes
Nearly unstable multidimensional autoregressive models are studied where the...
The x log x condition for general branching processes
The x log x condition is a fundamental criterion for the rate of growth of a general...
Geometric product form queueing networks with concurrent batch movements
Queueing networks have been rather restricted in order to have product form...
Dynamical systems defined on point processes
This paper introduces a new stochastic process in which the iterates of a dynamical...
Optimal dynamic scheduling of a general class of parallel-processing queueing systems
In this paper we develop policies for scheduling dynamically arriving jobs to a broad...
Heterogeneity in epidemic models and its effect on the spread of infection
We first study an epidemic amongst a population consisting of individuals with the...
Discrete-time queues with correlated arrivals and constant service times
A discrete-time single-server finite-capacity queue with correlated arrivals and...
A threshold limit theorem for the stochastic logistic epidemic
The time until extinction for the closed SIS stochastic logistic epidemic model is...
The final size of a nearly critical epidemic, and the first passage time of a Wiener process to a parabolic barrier
The distribution of the final size, K , in a general SIR epidemic model is considered...
First passage percolation and a model for competing spatial growth
An interacting particle system modelling competing growth on the ℤ 2 lattice is...
Superexponential decay for the GEM process
We show that the GEM process has strong ordering properties: the probability that one...
Cost analysis of the M/M/R machine repair problem with balking, reneging, and server breakdowns
We consider the machine repair problem in which failed machines balk (do not enter)...
The impact of seasonal constants on forecasting seasonally cointegrated time series
In this paper we focus on the effect of (i) deleting, (ii) restricting or (iii) not...
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