Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Visual interactive meta-simulation using neural networks
This paper proposes the technique of visual interactive meta-simulation. Results from...
An insight into the standard back-propagation neural network model for regression analysis
This memorandum offers an extension of the work of Chiang et al ., by investigating...
Generating correlated random variables for a simulation model
In most simulation textbooks, a great deal of attention is given to generating...
System dynamics at Bradford University: A silver jubilee review
The first academic system dynamics group in the UK was established at Bradford...
Diversity in information systems action research methods
Discussions of action research in information systems (IS) often proceed as if there...
System dynamics in Europe today: A review of professional infrastructure and academic programmes
This article describes the network of organisations and activities that lie behind...
Management attitudes, learning and scale in successful diversification: A dynamic and behavioural resource system view
The paper presents a system dynamics model to examine an enduring puzzle of corporate...
Putting soft OR methods to work: Information systems strategy development at Palabora
A consultancy project to develop an information systems (IS) strategy for a copper...
Dynamic visioning for dynamic environments
This article considers the particular challenges to organisations facing major change...
Introducing system dynamics to the BBC World Service: An insider perspective
The paper relates the story of the encounter between system dynamics modelling and the...
System dynamics in defence analysis: Some case studies
System dynamics has proved to be an effective and efficient methodology for the...
Holistic oil field value management: using system dynamics for ‘intermediate level’ and ‘value-based’ modelling in the oil industry
System dynamics has been seen primarily as a strategic tool, most effectively used at...
Designing your growth path: An interview with Charles Farquharson
Late in 1996 Mercury Asset Management (MAM) was nearing the end of a long effort...
The effective communication of system dynamics to improve insight and learning in management education
Experienced exponents of system dynamics in management education appreciate that...
Resetting the clock: A feedback approach to the dynamics of organisational inertia, survival and change
Using system dynamics methods, we provide a feedback interpretation of the ecological...
Qualitative vs quantitative modelling: The evolving balance
This paper addresses the issue of what are the wise uses of qualitative mapping and...
Simulation by repeated optimisation
The problems of improving the performance of system dynamics models is briefly...
Reflections for the future of system dynamics
The foundations of and recent trends in system dynamics are reviewed. The increase in...
A branch and bound algorithm for an uncapacitated facility location problem with a side constraint
In this paper, a branch and bound algorithm for solving an uncapacitated facility...
Integrating inventory impacts into a fixed-charge model for locating distribution centres
An important question in the design of efficient logistics systems is the...
On the development and application of maintenance policies for a two-component system with failure dependence
Maintenance policies for two-component systems with failure dependence and economic...
Evaluation of a new maintenance concept for the preservation of highways
Asphalt roads gradually deteriorate over time and need mending to remain in a good...
Bayesian analysis of fixed-interval preventive-maintenance models
This article develops methods for making accurate decisions when scheduling preventive...
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