Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Modelling of uncertainties and price elastic demands in energy-environment planning for India
This paper describes two variants of the Indian MARKAL model: a long-term technology...
The impact of data collection on fill rate performance in the (R, s, Q) inventory model
In this paper we consider the determination of the reorder point s in an ( R , s , Q )...
A hybrid model based on dynamic programming, neural networks, and surrogate value for inventory optimisation applications
This paper proposes a new approach to minimise inventory levels and their associated...
A framework to evaluate video banking kiosks
Canadian retail banking customers expect more information, wider choices and greater...
The critical cut-off value approach for dynamic lot sizing problems with time varying cost parameters
In a dynamic lot sizing problem with time varying cost parameters, a sequence of...
Combined primary and secondary log breakdown optimisation
At sawmills logs are converted into boards by a series of cutting operations. Primary...
Locational issues in forest management
Modeling to support forest management is a complex task. In the public sector,...
Allocation of demand when cost is demand-dependent
This paper extends the location-allocation model with continuously distributed demands...
Determination of lockbox collection points via simulated annealing
This research presents a heuristic to solve the lockbox location problem via a...
An LP-based heuristic for two-stage capacitated facility location problems
In this paper, a linear programming based heuristic is considered for a two-stage...
Efficient solution of large scale, single-source, capacitated plant location problems
The single-source, capacitated plant location problem is considered. This problem...
A new directed branching heuristic for the pq-median problem
The pq -median problem of Serra and ReVelle seeks to locate hierarchical facilities at...
Aggregation method experimentation for large-scale network location problems
We present demand point aggregation procedures for the p -median and p -center network...
Flow intercepting spatial interaction model: A new approach to optimal location of competitive facilities
In this paper we propose a flexible new model for the location of competitive...
The use of reduction tests and simulated annealing for the capacitated plant location problem
This paper discusses a new algorithm for the capacitated plant location problem. The...
A spanning tree approach to the absolute p-center problem
We consider the absolute p -center problem on a general network and propose a spanning...
A minisum model with forbidden regions for locating a semi-desirable facility in the plane
Most facilities in today's technological society may be classified as semi-desirable....
A bi-objective plant location problem: Cost vs. demand served
The standard plant location problem requires choosing from a set of potential sites...
Facility location in anticipation of future competition
In this paper, we consider locating a new facility in a competitive environment. A...
Demand allocation functions
In this paper we formulate a customer choice model according to which customers...
A tabu search heuristic for the concentrator location problem
The concentrator location problem is a classical problem in the network design...
A heuristic approach for the discrete dynamic location problem
In this paper a two-phase heuristic approach for the discrete dynamic location problem...
The 2-centdian problem: A rejoinder
Pérez-Brito et al. provide a counterexample to a finite dominating set (FDS)...
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