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Found 17295 papers in total
An empirical evaluation of holonic and fractal layouts
Agile manufacturing requires facilities that can produce a variety of customized...
Some remarks on scatter plots generation procedures for facility layout
Scatter plots of facilities on the plane are derived from a heuristic procedure...
Cellular machine layout based on the segmented flow topology
This paper introduces a facility layout design procedure for converting an existing...
A design approach to the multi-objective facility layout problem
A new multi-objective heuristic algorithm for resolving the facility layout problem is...
Compliance based mixed integer programming model and heuristic for support layout optimization
Machining-fixture supports are used to increase workpiece rigidity. A critical problem...
Efficient orderbatching methods in warehouses
In this paper, the orderbatching problem in warehouses is investigated. Batching, or...
3D random stacking of weakly heterogeneous palletization problems
Random stacking is a new procedure by which boxes of various dimensions are loaded on...
A heuristic treatment of tardiness and net present value criteria in resource constrained project scheduling
Considers the resource-constrained project scheduling problem where cash inflows and...
Phase transitions in project scheduling
Researchers in the area of artificial intelligence have recently shown that many...
Failure models indexed by two scales
Much of the literature in reliability and survival analysis considers failure models...
Robust process capability indices
Many organizations are mandating the use of process capability indices to measure and...
Stochastic scheduling on a repairable machine with Erlang uptime distribution
A set of jobs is to be processed on a machine which is subject to breakdown and...
Improved heuristics for the n-job single-machine weighted tardiness problem
For the n -job single-machine weighted tardiness problem a priority rule is known,...
Multiple-machine scheduling with earliness, tardiness and completion time penalties
We consider the problem of scheduling n jobs on m parallel and identical machines. The...
A tabu search algorithm for the open shop scheduling problem
An approximation algorithm of finding a minimum makespan in a nonpreemptive open shop...
Early/tardy scheduling with sequence dependent setups on uniform parallel machines
We consider the problem of scheduling N jobs on M parallel machines that operate at...
Heuristics for parallel-machine flexible-resource scheduling problems with unspecified job assignment
In this paper, we examine the parallel-machine flexible-resource scheduling problem in...
Earliness penalties on a single machine subject to precedence constraints: Common slack allowance due date assignment
The paper considers the single machine due date assignment and scheduling problems...
Dual criteria scheduling on a two-machine flowshop subject to random breakdowns
Decision makers often consider multiple objectives when making scheduling decisions....
Sequencing with uncertain numerical data for makespan minimisation
We consider a scheduling problem with the objective of minimising the makespan under...
Optimal robot scheduling for Web search engines
A robot is deployed by a Web search engine in order to maintain the currency of its...
Scheduling a batching machine
We address the problem of scheduling n jobs on a batching machine to minimize regular...
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