Heuristics for parallel-machine flexible-resource scheduling problems with unspecified job assignment

Heuristics for parallel-machine flexible-resource scheduling problems with unspecified job assignment

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Article ID: iaor2000812
Country: United Kingdom
Volume: 26
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 143
End Page Number: 155
Publication Date: Feb 1999
Journal: Computers and Operations Research
Authors: , ,
Keywords: heuristics

In this paper, we examine the parallel-machine flexible-resource scheduling problem in which job assignment to machines is not specified (UPMFRS). The UPMFRS problem is NP-hard, motivating the development of effective heuristics that approximately determine the job assignment to machines and the allocation of resources to jobs. The paper compares a decomposition heuristic and a tabu-search heuristic, and concludes that the tabu-search heuristic is cost and quality effective in locating the near-optimal solutions.


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