Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
System dynamics in MBA education at London Business School
In the late 1980s and early 1990s an academic team formed at London Business School...
System dynamics at Mannheim University
Over the past 30 years, thousands of students have been exposed to system dynamics at...
Graduate programmes in system dynamics at the University of Bergen, Norway
In 1976, the first International System Dynamics Conference was held in Geilo, a...
The mystical power of twoness: In memoriam Eugene L. Lawler
This paper reviews the work of Eugene L. Lawler, one of the early investigators of...
Operational research/management science: Where it's been. Where it should be going?
It is argued that movement toward the ‘control’ aspects of management...
Towards coherent pluralism in management science
This paper seeks to contribute to the orchestration of coherent pluralism (i.e. the...
Measuring service quality in the process of delivering a simulation study: The customer's perspective
Little research has been performed into the assessment of simulation models and even...
The influence of trend on estimates of accidents at junctions
While reliable estimates of expected accidents can be achieved by combining observed...
The predictive accuracy of computer-based classification decision techniques. A review and research directions
Computer-based classification decision (CBCD) techniques can be important assets to...
Evaluating alternatives to make strategic choices
The tactics used by decision makers to evaluate alternatives during strategic decision...
An application of data envelopment analysis in telephone offices evaluation with partial data
The presence of partial data motivates the need to investigate how such factors can be...
Modelling and analysis for capacity expansion planning in warehousing
In this paper, a dynamic programming model is developed for the purpose of...
Dynamic layout algorithms: A state-of-the-art survey
It has been over a decade since Rosenblatt published his seminal paper on modelling...
Design of interconnection of local area networks
This paper addresses the interconnection of local area networks (LANs) using bridges....
Valuation under technological change
This paper presents a valuation model, which includes the possibility of a future...
Neural network forecasting of the British pound/US dollar exchange rate
Neural networks have successfully been used for exchange rate forecasting. However,...
Grade inflation in the UK's 1996 research assessment exercise?
We examined the publishing of UK academics in the list of 20 prestigious...
Hierarchical control of transient flow in natural gas pipeline systems
An algorithm for optimal control of a gas network with any configuration based upon...
What can industrial inspection models learn from medical analogues? Determining the optimum screening policy for breast cancer
A mathematical model of tumour origination and growth, screening sensitivity, timing...
Deregulation in electricity: Understanding strategic and regulatory risk
This paper is motivated by our experiences since 1990 with developing system...
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