Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Optimization models for complex recovery block schemes
In this paper we consider three complex recovery block schemes: (1) nested recovery...
Multi-state and multi-sensor incident detection systems for arterial streets
Incident detection systems typically emphasize incident presence and location over...
Fuzzy-logic-based incident detection for signalized diamond interchanges
This paper documents a fuzzy-logic-based incident detection algorithm for signalized...
An optimization model for location of subsidized housing in metropolitan areas
This paper presents an optimization model for evaluation of alternative spatial...
Applying a risk management process to manage cost risk for an EHV transmission line project
Risk management processes (RMPs) are logically consistent and structured approaches to...
Tabu search for total tardiness minimization in flowshop scheduling problems
This work addresses the permutation flowshop scheduling problem with the objective of...
Scheduling of parts and robot activities in a two machine robotic cell
We consider a scheduling problem arising in a two machine flexible robotic cell that...
A framework for building spreadsheet based decision models
Spreadsheet based decision modelling is widely used in business today. The...
Logical soft systems modelling for information source analysis – the case of Hongkong Telecom
The paper describes the use of logico-linguistic modelling, a logically enhanced...
Suggestions for capturing corporate vision in strategic information systems
In this paper it is suggested that the development and incorporation of a vision of...
Penalty-based sequencing strategy implemented within a knowledge-based system
A hot dip coating line (HDCL) is used to coat steel coils with a corrosion-resistant...
Decision support for bus operations under uncertainty: A fuzzy expert system approach
This paper presents a novel approach to handle uncertainty in the daily operation of...
A best-first branch-and-bound algorithm for orthogonal rectangular packing problems
In this paper we discuss the problem of packing a set of small rectangles (pieces) in...
Tabu Search
Ant colonies for the quadratic assignment problem
This paper presents HAS–QAP, a hybrid ant colony system coupled with a local...
Solution techniques for periodic control problems: A case study in production planning
Two numerical techniques for solving optimal periodic control problems with a free...
An application of loop transfer recovery design in fault detection
The fault detection and isolation (FDI) problem is considered in this paper. The FDI...
Calculation of recoverable sets for systems with input and state constraints
The paper investigates two methods to calculate recoverable sets for continuous-time,...
Robust stabilization of linear systems in the presence of Gaussian perturbation of parameters
Stabilization of linear systems in state space in the presence of parametric...
A Riccati-equation-based algorithm for continuous-time optimal control problems
In this paper we consider continuous-time unconstrained optimal control problems. We...
Discrete-time frequency weighted model reduction and application to sampled-data models
The problem of frequency weighted optimal model order reduction for discrete-time...
Fields of extremals and infinite horizon optimal control problems
A solution of the maximum principle is optimal if it is ‘surrounded’ by...
Economic cost of traffic accidents in Jordan
The objectives of this study were to estimate the economic costs of traffic accidents...
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