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Found 17295 papers in total
The computational complexity of some fuzzy dynamic programs
Fuzzy dynamic programming, a natural extension of classical dynamic programming, is of...
Fuzzy decision networks and deconvolution
Three kinds of networks, namely, fuzzy minimal spanning tree, fuzzy PERT, and fuzzy...
Dynamic fuzzy criterion model for reservoir operations and a case study
Reservoir operation is a special inventory problem under conditions of uncertain...
The time average reward for some dynamic fuzzy systems
In this paper, by using a fuzzy relation, we define a dynamic fuzzy system with a...
Cluster validity for fuzzy criterion clustering
In this paper, we define a validity measure for fuzzy criterion clustering which is a...
Fuzzy method in group decision making
This paper investigates the problems of decision making with multiple judge, multiple...
Applying fuzzy adaptive network to fuzzy regression analysis
A fuzzy inference system based on the Sugeno inference model is first formulated for...
A two-person noncooperative game for assets selling problem: Independent case
This paper is concerned with a game variant of an asset selling problem, that is,...
Simple conditions for the convergence of simulated annealing type algorithms
We study a class of simulated annealing type algorithms for global minimization with...
An inverse problem in birth and death processes
An inverse problem of constructing birth and death processes { X ( t )} on finite...
Reward processes for semi-Markov processes: Asymptotic behaviour
The asymptotic behaviour of the cumulative mean of a reward process Z ρ , where...
Optimal computation of shortest paths on doubly convex bipartite graphs
An optimal parallel algorithm for computing all-pair shortest paths on doubly convex...
On a distributed clustering process of Coffman, Courtois, Gilbert and Piret
Coffman et al . have introduced a flow process in graphs, where each vertex gets an...
Global minimization of constrained problems with discontinuous penalty functions
With the integral approach to global optimization, a class of discontinuous penalty...
Retrieval and use of the balance set in multiobjective global optimization
It is shown, on examples, how to compute the balance set and the balance number in...
Critical phenomena in a collective computation algorithm for combinatorial optimization problems
This paper discusses the critical temperature (control parameter) of an annealed...
Asymptotics of Poisson approximation to random discrete distributions: An analytic approach
A general analytic scheme for Poisson approximation to discrete distributions is...
Jointly solving the group scheduling and machining speed selection problems: A hybrid tabu search and simulated annealing approach
In a cellular manufacturing environment, once the machines and parts have been grouped...
Modelling and optimization of industrial manufacturing processes subject to no-wait constraints
This paper deals with scheduling of no-wait manufacturing processes. The main features...
Scheduling in a production environment with multiple process plans per job
Traditional job shop scheduling problems generally assume that there is a single...
Scheduling in the dynamic job shop under auxiliary resource constraints: A simulation study
Traditionally, job shop research has only considered constraints related to machine...
Comparative analysis of order-input sequencing heuristics in a cellular flexible assembly system for large products
This study investigates the performance of order-input sequencing heuristics in a...
Reducing total tardiness cost in manufacturing cell scheduling by a multi-factor priority rule
Current literature about scheduling problems contains numerous studies on the use of...
Methods for the sequencing of sheet metal bending operations
The sequencing of part set-ups, in the context of design verification or process...
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