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Pedestrian risk decrease with pedestrian flow. A case study based on data from signalized intersections in Hamilton, Ontario
Leden Lars
A unique database provided information on pedestrian accidents, intersection geometry...
Predicted effect of automatic crash notification on traffic mortality
Clark David E.
Objective: To estimate the reduction in traffic mortality in the United States that...
Modeling young driver motor vehicle crashes: Data with extra zeros
Stevenson Mark R.
Many of the data collected on motor vehicle crashes are count data. The standard...
An instrumented vehicle assessment of problem behavior and driving style: Do younger males really take more risks?
Boyce Thomas E.
An instrumented vehicle was used to obtain behavioral data from 61 drivers ranging in...
Auctioning rights to vehicle ownership: Singapore's experience with sealed-bid tenders
Chu Singfat
The monthly auction of rights to vehicle ownership in Singapore will switch from a...
A sequential group decision-making approach to strategic planning for the development of commercial vehicle operations systems
Sheu Jiuh-Biing
This paper explores a new sequential decision methodology which integrates a...
Airline market share and customer service quality: A reference-dependent model
Novack Robert A.
Traditional models that explain the nature of the relationship between customer...
Congestion pricing and roadspace rationing: An application to the San Francisco Bay Bridge corridor
Kockelman Kara Maria
This paper presents an empirical application of a congestion–alleviation...
Financing local rural road maintenance. Who should pay what share and why?
Dijk T. van
The benefits from minor rural road infrastructure can be very individual, when a road...
A note on ‘Highway pricing and capacity choice in a road network under a build-operate-transfer scheme’
Yang Hai
This note rectifies an error in the paper by Yang and Meng on highway pricing and...
A passenger demand model for airline flight scheduling and fleet routing
Yan Shangyao
Fleet routing and flight scheduling are essential to a carrier's profitability, its...
Evaluating optimal multi-hub networks in a deregulated aviation market with an application to Western Europe
Berechman Joseph
This paper develops, evaluates and ultimately aids in the choosing of an optimal,...
Optimization of multiple objective gate assignments
Yan Shangyao
This paper proposes a multiple objective model to help airport authorities to...
Airline seat management with rejection-for-possible-upgrade decision
You Peng-Sheng
The problem of determining optimal booking policy for multiple fare classes in a pool...
Airline network structure and the gravity model
Wojahn Oliver W.
In this paper, we determine characteristics of the cost-minimizing airline network...
Economies of scale in the US airline industry after deregulation: A Fourier series approximation
Creel Michael
This paper analyzes the cost structure of the US airline industry after deregulation,...
The demand for US air transport service: A chaos and nonlinearity investigation
Adrangi Bahram
This paper examines the behavior of the US airline industry's service demand. Monthly...
Measuring post-disaster transportation system performance: The 1995 Kobe earthquake in comparative perspective
Chang Stephanie E.
Recent earthquake disasters have caused major damage to transportation networks,...
Coping with unreliability in public transport chains: A case study for Netherlands
Rietveld P.
Unreliability in public transport means that actual departure and arrival times may...
How derived is the demand for travel? Some conceptual and measurement considerations
Salomon Ilan
This paper contests the conventional wisdom that travel is a derived demand, at least...
A Danish decision-support geographical information system tool for management of urban air quality and human exposures
Jensen Steen Solvang
A new prototype model system named AirGIS has been developed to support local...
Dynamics of a transportation pollution permit system with stability analysis and computations
Nagurney Anna
In this paper, we develop a dynamic model of a link-based pollution permit system for...
Paradoxes in networks with zero emission links: Implications for telecommunications versus transportation
Nagurney Anna
In this paper, we consider networks in which a link is characterized by zero emissions...
Metal resource constraints for electric-vehicle batteries
Andersson Bjrn A.
We estimate at what size electric-vehicle stocks could become constrained by metal...
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